HC Deb 24 June 1811 vol 20 cc746-7
Mr. Prendergast

wished to put a question to some hon. members, whom he then saw in their places. He read from a newspaper, the proceedings of the Missionary Society, at a public dinner. To those resolutions were signed the names of Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Babington, Mr. Grant, and Mr. H. Thornton. The part to which his attention was particularly directed, was that Resolution by which 250l. was to be given, to pay persons for reading the Scriptures in the market places of the populous cities in Asia. He wished to know, whether those gentlemen avowed such a resolution.

The Chancellor of the Excheguer

spoke to order.

The Speaker

said, that it was certainly quite new in the proceedings of parliament, for members to be questioned in that House about what passed at tavern dinners.

Mr. Prendergast

said, that this paper would go to India, and might do a great deal of mischief there. It appeared to him a matter of such public importance, that he must, in some way or other, bring it before parliament.

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