HC Deb 15 June 1811 vol 20 cc641-2

The Speaker acquainted the House, that he had received from lieutenant general lord viscount Wellington, the following Letter, in return to the Thanks of this House, signified to him in obedience to their commands of the 26th of April last.

"Sir; Elras, May 25th, 1811.

"I have had the honour of receiving your letter of the 26th of April, in which you have inclosed the Resolutions of the House of Commons of that day, conveying the approbation of the House of the conduct of the army under my command in Portugal during the late campaign, which I have communicated to the allied British and Portuguese army.

"I attribute the result of the operations of which the House have been pleased to approve (under Providence) to the sup port and assistance which I have invariably received from the general and other officers, and to the good conduct, the discipline, and bravery of the troops; and it must be highly gratifying to them, to find that their services have been deemed worthy of that distinction, of which all are ambitions, the approbation of the House of Commons.

"The favour with which the House of Commons have viewed ray services, and the honour by which they have been pleas ed to distinguish them, have made an in delible impression upon me; and I hope, by the continuance of my zealous endeavours to serve his Majesty, according to the best of my judgment, to prove my gratitude to the House for their favours,

"I beg that you. Sir, will accept my ac knowledgments for the handsome terms in which you have again conveyed to me the sense of the House of Commons: and I have the honour to be, with the utmost respect, your most obedient and most faithful humble servant, WELLINGTON.

"The right hon. Charles Abbot,

Speaker of the House of Commons,

&. &. &."