§ GWYLLYM LLOYD WARDLE, esq. a Member of the House, was then examined in his place, as follows:
§ (By the Attorney General.)
§ Had you only one short conversation with Mrs. C. upon the subject of to-night's inquiry? That is a difficult question to answer exactly, there are such a vast variety of cases I have talked over with her from time to time. I do not know exactly the time when I talked this case over with her; I had heard of it before, and, in short, got out of her more than she told me voluntarily. She attacked me very warmly with respect to another case which I mentioned, and I believe she spoke generally of the whole. When the matter was talked over between us, I took my pen and ink, and entered every thing which passed in a book. I do not believe that I have altered any part of what I entered. I believe I never had but one pointed conversation on this case; whether, in speaking of other cases, I have touched upon that, I cannot say; the case, has remained in that book ever since; and I took a copy the other day, from that book, of what I had written.
§ What you stated to the House, was what you had collected from Mrs. C.? What in part I had collected from Mrs. C, and in part from other quarters.
§ Did you state to the House any thing as having passed between Mrs. C. and those persons who were immediate agents in this transaction, except what you collected from her? I fancy a good deal. I know some points; hut I believe a good deal of the main points were stated from the book which I had written when I had conversed with her upon the subject.
§ Did she state to you that this passed on the 25th of July? No, she did not, certainly. I do not think she was at all aware of the positive date. I remember, at the time of the conversation, she mentioned the circumstance of lord Chesterfield's christening, and seemed guided by that: that h. r. h. was going down to that christening; and, by that, she made out the period to be in July, when the transaction took place.
§ Upon what authority did you state with particularity, that this took place on Thursday the 25th of July; this agreement for the 200l.? She, upon taking note of that christening, and taking note of the Gazette also, was positive then in her assertion (I remember perfectly well) that the thing was proposed on the Thursday, and done on the Saturday: that was 297 her positive assertion, from the first to the last; and that it was that led me to state it
§ I understand you to have stated, that she did not state it to be on the 25th? She did not, in the first instance; the Gazette was found, and the moment it was looked into, she was so positive as to the Thursday and the Saturday, that no doubt remained upon her mind.
§ Have you a particular recollection, that it? was at last brought to the Thursday, the 25th of July? I have really no further recollection: I have no other guide.
§ Do you remember that it was the Thursday preceding the Saturday on which the Gazette was published? I do not know how to make the matter clearer: these were the two points that guided me in my assertion: if I was wrong in my assertion, it was a blunder arising from that.
§ Is the Committee to understand, that while Mrs. C. and yourself were seeking to fix the day on which this transaction took place, the Gazette was found; and, that finding the date of that, and considering the time which had preceded it, you fixed the date on which the offer was made to be on the Thursday preceding? I mean merely to assert, that from the evidence Mrs. C. gave me, and from the information I got from the Gazette, I fixed that it must be on the very day I mentioned; I had no other guide to go by of one description or another; and I do not see that I am to stand here, however willing I may be, alter the very heavy examination which that Witness has gone through, which, I believe, many gentlemen think with myself must tire any gentleman; I do not feel disposed to submit to the same sort of discipline; she never did, to the best of my recollection, give me any other date than that I have mentioned, the christening of my lord Chesterfield; and I remember her stating, that the thing was petitioned on the Thursday, and done on the Saturday; more than that I really do not recollect on the subject. Any question which I can answer, I shall be willing to answer, but I do not know how further to answer that I afterwards enquired, and ascertained when that christening was; and, from that and the Gazette, I mentioned the date, which I thought was correct; whether it was or not, I cannot state.
§ Mr. Whitbreadspoke to order. He did not think it was regular or usual for a member bringing forward a charge, to undergo an examination, to disclose where and how he got his information.
§ The Speakerobserved, that it had been determined, in more instances than one, that no member had a right to examine another, except in a Committee of Inquiry. In this case the house was in that situation, and it was proper that any member, who could give any information, or throw any light on the subject, should be examined; for instance, a member, Mr. Bid- 298 dulph, had been directed to attend in his place this day, for the purpose of being examined, and if he did not attend, the Mouse would consider it their duty to send for him.
Mr. Canning.I wish to be informed if the hon. gent, intends to answer the question put to him or not? (A loud cry of Chair! Chair!)
The Chancellor of the Exchequersaid it was not the intention of his learned friend (the Attorney-General) to put questions to impeach the veracity of the hon, member, but for the purpose of comparing the communications which he had received from Mrs. Clarke, with the evidence which she had given, with a view to impeach her veracity.
§ Mr. Whitbreadthought that the right hon. gent. (Mr. Canning) was precipitate in putting the question which he had done to Mr. Wardle, as he thought his fatigue afforded a claim for further time.
§ (By the Attorney General.)
§ The Gazette was referred to as a medium of proof at the time? No, I referred to the Gazette since.
§ Was that in the presence of Mrs. C.? No, it was not.
§ Was that circumstance communicated to her? Not by me; I do not know that it was.
§ I understood you to have said, that you and Mrs. C, upon referring to the Gazette, and other circumstances which occurred to you, fixed, that the time must have been about Thursday the 25th of July? Then I said what I did not mean; the conversation was respecting the christening; I made enquiry when the christening was of a friend or two of my own; and I mentioned it from that: whether between that period and this I may have named the date to her, or she got it from another quarter, I cannot say; that of the three days was all the information that I obtained from her as to the date.
§ Is it true that you took away some papers from Mrs. C. against her will, and without her consent? I certainly did take some letters away from Mrs. C, which I did not believe she exactly approved at the moment; I did it in that sort of way, there was no force in the business; but amongst papers, she was in the habit of giving me letters respecting the cases; and she gave me one or two of Mr. Donovan's; there were one or two of Mr. D.'s, and one or two of light moment from another quarter on the table. I said, I will take this away; and she said, those are horn a friend of mine, and he must not he touched; that made me curious about the letters; and they were certainly letters of very great moment: I have had them in my possession ever since.
299§ Mrs. C. had been in the habit of communicating letters to you upon this subject before that time? One or two letters, not relative to this case; but one or two letters much about that time, just about that period, she communicated to me.
§ Relative to the D. of Y.? No; that had nothing at all to do with this business.
§ Why was it that he was not to be touched? It was Mr, Donovan.
§ (By Mr. Canning.)
§ Did Mrs. C. ever state to you, that she had stated to h. r. h. her wishes to go into the country, and that those wishes might be gratified without any expence to h. r. h., as an opportunity had occurred to her of obtaining the sum of 200l.? No; she stated tome, to the best of my recollection, that she wanted to go into the country; that she told h. r. h. that there was 200l. could be had for that exchange, and that she got it, and went in consequence. I do not recollect any thing further.
§ Did she inform you that she had stated this to h. r. h., previous to the receiving the 200l. and with a view to obtain h. r. h.'s consent so to receive it? I understood that she had stated, three days before the occurrence took place, that she should have a pecuniary consideration; that that pecuniary consideration was 200l. and that she went into the country immediately after she received it. I understood her, that she had told h. r. h. that a pecuniary consideration was to be given for the exchange, and that that pecuniary consideration proved to be 200l.; that that was told him on the day when the application was made, which I understood from her was three days before it took place.
§ Three days before the person was gazetted, or three days before the 200l. was received? Three days before the person was gazetted; I understood the person was gazetted, and the money was received, on the same day or the next day.
§ Did Mrs. C. state to you, that she had stated to h. r. h., previously to her actual acceptance of the offer of 200l. that such an offer, in fact, had been made to her, and that the acceptance of it would enable her to go into the country, which she desired to do? I understood from her, that when she made the request to the Commander in Chief, she had mentioned to him that she was to receive a pecuniary consideration; as to the going out of town, that was a fixed thing before, they were both going out, as I understood; but in justice to her I will state what I this moment recollect, that a few days ago, after my motion, she stated, that I had been very incorrect, if the papers stated truly what I said, and whether it was that, or what other circumstance, I will not undertake to say; but to the best of my recollection, I understood from her, that on the day she made the application, she gave the Commander in Chief to understand, that a pecuniary consideration was forthcoming for the exchange.
§ Did you receive any other information from 300 any other person than those who have been examined here to night, and col. Knight, as to this point, upon which you founded the statement which you made to the House? I had, as I before stated to the House, had other information from other quarters; it will not become me to state to the House who those persons were; that I conceive would be very indecorous.
§ (By Mr. Wilberforce.)
§ Did that expression which Mrs. C. used as to a particular person, who was not to be touched, imply that there were some proceedings to be instituted concerning some other persons? I have no reason to think that she meant any more than exactly what she said, that when I got hold of those letters, she knew I was possessed of facts that would touch Mr. Donovan: I do not think she connected any other matter with it.
§ With respect to these letters which you carried away from Mrs. C.'s, has Mrs. C. since made frequent application to you for those letters? Yes, she has; and was very much enraged with me, particularly for having said what I did respecting Mr. Donovan.
§ Was the conversation which took place on Saturday, the conversation to which you alluded, in which you received the information upon which you proceeded? That was subsequent to my motion.
§ (By Mr. Croker.)
§ Did you see Mrs. C. yesterday? I was at her house late last night, about nine o'clock; I was in the drawing-room for a few moments, there was company with her.
§ Did you see Mrs. C yesterday? Yes, as I have said before, I was in her drawing-room, when she had company last night.
§ She was in that drawing-room? Yes, certainly.
§ Is it possible that she should not have seen you in the drawing-room at that time? No, it is totally impossible.
§ (By Mr. Canning.)
§ I understand you to say, that being informed that the gazetting took place within two or three days after the original order, you provided yourself with the Gazette of Saturday, in which that appointment appeared, and so, calculating backwards, fixed Thursday as the day on which the proposition had been made? I understood from the first, that it was on the Thursday that the exchange had been applied for, and that the business was completed on the Saturday; that is entered in my book in the first conversation, that she understood it was gazetted on the Saturday, or in two or three days.
§ The Gazette in which this is announced is dated on the Tuesday? Yes, I am perfectly aware of that fact; that is a blunder of her's, but I never heard anyone thing to make me doubt that it was so till to-night.
301§ (By Mr. Croker.)
§ Being asked whether you were not at Mrs. C.'s yesterday, you answered that you had been there about nine o'clock in the evening; were you not at Mrs. C.'s house at any prior hour of yesterday? I called at Mrs. C.'s yesterday morning, she was not at home; I returned in the evening, and had a conversation with her for a few minutes.
§ Did you merely call at Mrs. C.'s house; did you not go into it, and wait a very considerable time at Mrs. C.'s house? I was up in Mrs. C.'s drawing-room for some time in the morning, I did not see her then, but I saw her in the afternoon.
§ WILLIAM ADAM, esq. was again examined in his place, as follows:
§ (By Mr. Wilberforce.)
§ Having mentioned the annuity which was conditionally promised, can you state whether that annuity was actually paid; and, if so, for how long? I can state nothing respecting the payment; I had nothing at all to do with it; I never heard any thing of it from the time when I had the second and last interview.
§ You have stated, that the annuity was to be continued so long as Mrs. C.'s conduct was correct; will you have the goodness to explain that term? The term I used I meant in this sense; that her conduct was to be such as not to have any reference to any pecuniary transactions, such as I stated to hare been the cause of the investigation, and the subject of the subsequent communication to her by me, that the D. of Y. was to have no further connection with her; and I stated in my evidence, that at that time, nor at any time till recently, had I any notion that there were any transactions of this kind in which she had been in any way concerned: Those pecuniary concerns to which I alluded, were the use of the D. of Y.'s name for the purpose of raising money, so as to involve his credit and character, but not by the sale of commissions.
§ (By Mr. Beresford.)
§ Do you mean by getting in debt with tradesmen, and borrowing money? Any mode by which she could raise money.
§ Did you continue, from the year 1806, to have the management of h. r. h.'s finances, and his money concerns? I had not; properly speaking, the management of any part of h. r. h.'s. But I wish to mention this to the House; the D. of Y., from causes which it is unnecessary to refer to, found his circumstances embarrassed; at a very early period, he applied to me to look into them, and to get matters arranged: he appropriated to that arrangement, as soon as his income was such as to enable him to afford it, a very large sum of money, annually, 12,000l. a-year, that was put under the administration of Mr. Coutts and myself, as trustees for the creditors, to settle 302 the payments. From the circumstance of the D. of Y. being a mere annuitant, and from other causes, which I should be extremely glad, to explain, to render my evidence intelligible, particularly from one cause, that in the arrangement of his estates he had cast upon him the expence of a large inclosure, which by Act of Parliament he was bound to see executed, which took a great deal of money, and his being under the necessity of buying tithes to a large amount, together with the property tax coming on him, we were not enabled to operate the redemption of the debts by the payment of 12,000l. a year, it was therefore the D. of Y.'s wish to appropriate a larger sum; this was done and it is still to go to a greater extent in the hands of Mr. Coutts and myself, for the same purposes. These are the monies which come within my management, and no other. I know nothing about the D. of Y.'s private expenditure; I know nothing about the pension he pays to any one, but only the fund raised for the payment of debts, and also that for the reduction of the debt he owes to the Public, a sum lent to him from the Civil List, when Mr. Pitt was Minister, and which Air. Pitt and other Ministers suspended the payment of to a certain time, and which was last year begun to be paid: a fund was vested in me for the payment of 4,000l. a year of that; this will extend to the sum of from 26 to 30,000l. a year; and when it is considered that the income tax falls upon that, as well as the whole of his other property, I believe that h. r. h. will he found to give up as large a sum of money as his present circumstances will afford. These are the only funds which fall under my knowledge; and therefore it is impossible for me to know whether a pension is paid to this or that person, and it is not correct to suppose that I am in the administration of his affairs further than I have stated.
§ Did Mrs. C. apply to you at any time since 1806 for payment of this pension? It is extremely difficult for me to state positively that she did not, but I believe the two letters which she mentions are the only letters I have ever received from her. I cannot undertake to say, in the variety of transactions I have, that there were no others; the prominent letter was that of the 11th June 1808, which I immediately indorsed, and delivered over to Mr. Wilkinson.