HC Deb 13 April 1809 vol 14 cc21-3
Sir Francis Burdett

, seeing a noble lord in his place, expressed a wish to know from that noble lord, if what he had heard with respect to the disposal of the public property to an individual was founded in fact. The circumstance he alluded to was this: he had understood that a portion of the ground belonging to Chelsea Hospital, lying along the bank of the River Thames, and particularly calculated for the air and exercise of the pensioners, had been lately consigned over to the use and possession of col. Gordon. He should forbear from commenting on the nature of such a consignment until he learned from the noble lord whether it was true, or how far it was so; and, according to the answer he should receive, he would be guided as to the nature of the parliamentary proceeding he might then think it advisable subsequently to adopt.

Lord Castlereagh

, observing that he was particularly applied to by the hon. baronet, begged leave to assure him, that that was the first time he had heard any thing of the circumstance alluded to, and that therefore it was not in his power to give the hon. baronet any information whatever on the subject.

Mr. Huskisson

admitted that what the hon. baronet alluded to was not altogether unfounded in fact. The state of the grounds belonging to Chelsea hospital had been submitted to the Commissioners, and it did appear that the Infirmary was inconveniently situated. It was considered that it would prove most advantageous to the interests of that institution, to have the ground that could not be better disposed of let out for building. Under these circumstances it was, he believed, that colonel Gordon had become a holder of that part of the ground.

Sir Francis Burdett

said, that he was glad he had brought the matter before the house, as it was evident that the statement which had been made to him did appear to be founded in fact. It was clear that it ought to be followed up by every possible investigation. He thought it would be requisite that a committee of the house should be appointed to inspect the ground in question, or at least some means should be resorted to for the purpose of ascertaining the value of the ground disposed of, and the manner in which it had been disposed of; for certain it was, that if it had been disposed of in the manner in which he had been informed it was, there could be no doubt whatever that a great and serious abuse had been committed.

Mr. Rose

professed his entire ignorance of the transaction alluded to.

Mr. Long

confirmed the statement of Mr. Huskisson; when sir F. Burdett again rising,

The Speaker

here suggested that there was then no question before the house, and asked the hon. baronet, whether it was his pleasure forthwith to submit a motion to the house, or to give notice of such a motion?

Sir Francis Burdett

said, that he would to-morrow submit to the he a motion on the subject.

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