HC Deb 29 January 1808 vol 10 cc189-90

The house resolved itself into a Committee of Supply, Mr. Wharton in the chair. On the motion of Mr. R. Ward, the following resolutions were agreed to, viz. 1. "That the number of 130,000 men should be employed for the sea service of the present year, including 14,000 royal marines. 2. That a sum not exceeding 3,126,5001. be granted to his majesty for the wages of the above men for 13 months, at the rate 11. 17s. per man per month. 3. That a sum not exceeding 3,211,003l. be granted to his majesty for victualling the above men for 13 months, at the rate of 1l. 18s. per man per month. 4. That a sum not exceeding 5,070,000l. be granted to his majesty, for the wear and tear of the Navy, for 13 months, at the late of 3l. per man per month. 5. That a sum not exceeding 521,500l. be granted to his majesty for defraying the charges of Ordnance for sea service, for 13 months at the rate of 7s. per man per north." In answer to a question from Mr. Tierney, whether any diminution was made in the Navy Estimates, in consideration of the stores brought from Copenhagen, it was stated by Mr. Ward that there was no diminution in the estimates; by Mr. Huskisson, that the application of the money voted would be matter of subsequent consideration; and by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, that it was certainly intended to reward the captors out of the stores, or the value of them.