HC Deb 25 January 1808 vol 10 cc95-6

Lord Stopford reported to the house, that his majesty, having been attended with their Address of Friday last, was pleased to receive the same very graciously, and to give the following Answer: "Gentlemen; I return you my most cordial thanks for this dutiful Address. The just sense you entertain of the measures which the extraordinary and critical state of affairs compelled me to adopt for averting from my kingdom the great and additional dangers with which it was threatened, gives me great satisfaction, and is a fresh proof of your loyal determination to support the honour of my crown, and the rights and essential interests of my people."—The following Election Petitions were presented, and ordered to be taken into consideration on the days respectively annexed: Great Grimsby, Thursday, Feb. 23; Downpatrick, Feb. 25; Newcastle under Line, March 1; Great Yarmouth, March 1; Grampound, March 3; Stirling, March 24; Wexford, two petitions, March 8; New Malton, March 8; Malmsbury, March 10.—Mr. Sheridan gave notice, that he should on Monday se'nnight move for a committee to inquire into the State of Ireland. He said, he did not bring on this measure with any party views or party feelings, nor with any intention whatever to embarrass his majesty's ministers: neither was it his object, that the committee should take into their consideration any thing respecting the grievances suffered by the people of Ireland on account of religious distinctions, or, in other words, the Catholic Claims, as he understood that question was in other hands. The propositions he had to bring forward he, therefore, hoped would meet the unanimous concurrence of that house. If however, in consequence of the absence of several members belonging to that part of the united kingdom, who might wish to declare their sentiments upon the subject, it might be thought adviseable to postpone his notice, he should have no objection to do so.—Mr. Horner rose to postpone his motion respecting the granting of Licences to persons engaged in foreign trade, until Thursday. Mr. Rose begged to ask the object of the hon. gent.'s motion. Mr. Horner replied, that his object was to ascertain to what extent the practice of granting Licences by the privy council to persons engaged in foreign trade had been. carried. He understood, that in granting such licences to some particular individuals, and refusing them to others, much abuse had arisen, contrary to the true meaning and intent of the legislature; he thought, therefore, that information upon this subject would be necessary and proper at any time to be laid before the house, but more particularly at a period when such an extensive system of blockade had been adopted, and so many Orders of Council issued upon this subject.