HC Deb 10 February 1808 vol 10 cc412-3
Sir F. Burdett

rose to move for an address to his majesty, praying that he would be graciously pleased to order that there be laid before the house an account of all captures made at sea, which remained at the disposal of the-crown, from the commencement of the late war in 1792, to the present time, together with an account of the produce of the same, and the manner in which it had been disposed of.

TheChancellor of the Exchequer

wished the hon. baronet to give a notice rather than to make his motion now. This was more consonant to the practice of the house. The motion would furnish an opportunity for discussing the doctrines that were afloat on this subject. A notice was the best mode of proceeding, as it would cause the persons concerned to turn their attention to the matter, and to ascertain how far the motion could, with propriety, be complied with. If the hon. baronet would give a notice, he would come prepared either to aid in forming the motion in the most convenient shape, or to give reasons why it should not pass.

Sir F Burdett

had no difficulty in consulting the convenience of the right hon. gent. by giving the notice for to-morrow.