HC Deb 27 April 1808 vol 11 c79
Mr. Tremaine

rose pursuant to the notice he gave yesterday. He said that in various cases of shipwreck, dead bodies were cast on the shores of this kingdom, which sometimes could not receive the common rights of burial. This was a disgusting circumstance, and disgraceful to the character of the country. The cause was, that parish officers were afraid to order bodies to be buried, on account of the expences they might bring upon the parishes. His object in the present measure, was to propose that parish officers should be compelled to bury all bodies so cast on shore; and that the expence of the same should be defrayed by the countries. Also, that rewards should be given to persons discovering dead bodies, and giving information of the same to the parish officers. He then moved for leave to bring in a bill to that effect, which was granted.

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