HC Deb 01 April 1808 vol 10 cc1304-5

The house resolved itself into a committee of the whole house, for the further consideration of the Petitions against the Orders in Council. Mr. Brougham was then called to the bar, and addressed the house in a very able and eloquent speech of three hours length in support of the prayer of the Petitioners.—After the learned counsel had finished, he withdrew, and a conversation arose on the expediency of hearing further evidence.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Marriott, Mr. Stephens, and sir C. Price, contended, that if the house were then to take any step on the evidence that had already been adduced, it would be in complete ignorance of the subject. It was therefore proposed by them to examine witnesses, who might fill up the chasm left by those who had been examined. Mr. Tierney, Mr. Whitbread, Dr. Laurence, Mr. Ponsonby, and Mr. A. Baring, expressed their satisfaction to find, that it was at length intended by the hon. gent. opposite to enter into a full investigation of this most important subject. Mr. Tierney declared his intention of moving for the attendance at the bar of the 34 gentlemen who had signed the Petition in favour of the Orders in Council presented by an hon. bart., that they might communicate to the house the information which they described themselves to possess.—It was ultimately agreed that the chairman should report progress, and ask leave to sit again; and the house having been resumed, the committee was appointed to sit again on Monday, for which day, on the motion of the chancellor of the exchequer, several witnesses were ordered to be summoned.