§ Mr. Bankesreported from the Glasgow election committee, that Archibald Campbell, esq., the sitting member, was duly elected, and that the petition against his return was not frivolous nor vexatious.—Sir J. Frederick brought up the bill for the construction of a bridge over the Thames opposite Vauxhall, which was read a first time.—Mr. Sheridan brought up a bill for further regulation of the office of treasurer of the navy, which was read a first time.—Mr. C. Dundas, pursuant to notice, moved, that private bills should be allowed to be presented before the printed copies are delivered, but not read a second time before the delivery of printed copies of them to the members. The motion was agreed to and an order made accordingly.—Lord H. Petty brought up a bill for correcting a mistake in the act of last session, for granting annuities to the younger branches of the royal family, which was read a first time.—Sir J. Newport brought up a bill for regulating the commission appointed to inquire into offices and fees in Ireland, which was read a first time.—The defaulters on the preceding day were reported to the house, when the following members, not attending to excuse themselves, were ordered into the custody of the serjeant at arms: sir P. Francis, capt. Freemantle, Mr. H. Joliffe, Mr. W. Keene; Mr. R. Manners, sir C. Morgan, and Mr. R. Thornton. Capt. Free-mantle, sir C. Morgan, and sir P. Francis, were severally taken into custody on coming to the house, and ordered to be discharged out of custody at the rising of the house, first paying their fees.—Ordered, on the motion of lord H. Petty, that the house, at 168 its rising, should adjourn till Monday next. —Sir J. Newport obtained leave to bring in a bill to extend the provision of the act of 33, Hen. 8, relating to the wages of servants to counties of cities, and counties of towns in Ireland.—Mr. Vansittart obtained leave to bring in a bill for the more effectual prevention of smuggling.—Mr. Vansittart moved that various sums be granted to his majesty in lieu of the like sums issued from the civil list revenue, in compensation for Miscellaneous Services of the past year, which were agreed to, and ordered to be reported on Monday.