—The following members were chosen to try the merits of the Lanark election petition: lord G. H. Cavendish, J. F. Cawthorne, esq., lord R. E. H. Somerset, C. Chester, esq., hon. W. Gore, T. Wood, esq., E. Harvey, esq., T. Thornton, Esq., W. Bagwell, esq., lord Brooke, right hon. R. P. Carew. Nominees: C. Dundas, esq., J. Paterson, esq.—The Secretary at War rose, pursuant to notice, tomove for leave to bring in a bill for paying the allowances to half-pay officers, their widows, and persons on the Compassionate List, at their own residences. In the object of this bill all would agree. It was one which was very desirable, if it could be effected, and he could anticipate no objection to it. He therefore need not trouble the house at length on the subject. He concluded by moving for leave to bring in two bills, the one to pay the allowance as above, and the other to enable the Kilmainham hospital commissioners to make regulations for the more easy add speedy payment of pensions. Agreed to.—Lord H. Petty obtained leave to bring in a bill to rectify an error in the act of last session, for settling additional allowances on the younger branches of the royal family.— Mr. Vansittart obtained leave to bring in a bill for extending to the outports the provisions of the custom-house office reform bill, and for applying to the superannuated fund such retrenchments as may be made in consequence of that extension.—The Advocate General presented to the house, according to order, a bill to authorize the payment of Prize Money, arising from captures made by ships of his Sicilian majesty in conjunction with British ships, to the Sicilian envoy, for the use of the officers and men of such ships; and the same was received, and read the first time.—The Serjeant at Arms at the bar informed the house, that pursuant to order he had taken the rt. hon. R. B. Sheridan into custody as a defaulter at one of the late calls of the house. It was ordered that Mr. Sheridan should be discharged at the rising of the house this day, paying his fees. Shortly after Mr. Sheridan left the bar, where he was held in custody, and advanced to the treasury bench; upon which the Speaker called order! order! and observed that nothing could be more irregular thou the en- 166 trance of the rt. hon. gent. into the house; Mr. Sheridan being, strictly speaking, still in the custody of the serjeant at arms. Mr. Sheridan appeared altogether unaware of the irregularity he was committing, and hardly sensible that the Speaker was addressing himself to him, till Mr. Hobhouse took him by the arm, and explained the matter to him as he was conducting him back to the bar. The Speaker informed the serjeant, that it was the pleasure of the house that Mr. Sheridan should be discharged at its rising this day. Of course it was his duty to keep him in custody till then. Mr. Hobhouse apologized for his rt. hon. friend, who was not aware of the irregularity of coming into the house while in custody.