HC Deb 05 March 1807 vol 9 c1

"Were you present at a conversation in Somerset Place with Mr. Weatherhead and Mr. Drake, when Mr. S. came in, about 7 o' clock? I was.—Where did Drake state himself to have been, and what did he state as to the necessity of his returning again to the country? 'That he had been in Hampshire, hunting in the company of Mr. Cobbett; that he had a cottage, which he had lately purchased, in Hampshire ; that he had just come to town.—Did Mr. S. ever whisper with Mr. Drake, or have any conversation in a way which could not be heard by any person in the room? It was impossible without my having heard it.—Did Mr. S. offer any money, or any thing whatever, to Mr. Drake? There was nothing offered in my presence.—When Mr. Drake stated that he was about to leave town the next morning, what did Mr. S. say? That he must not leave town, that he must be in the way.—In what character was Mr. Weatherhead introduced? In the character of a clergyman; and, on my observing that he must be chaplain of the ship, and Mr. Drake hesitating, Mr. S. asked what ship he was chaplain of; Mr. Drake said, it was his brother was a clergyman; that he was frequently making that mistake.—What did Mr. S. declare was his intention and motive for desiring them to call the next morning? I understood it was, that they should be in the way.—Did you ever hear Drake say, that he had received considerable sums of money by a legacy, or by prize-money? By a legacy.—Did you ever hear him state, that he had got the command of a brig, or sloop, and must go down to take the command? That he had got the command of the Thisbe brig; this was on the 10th; and that he must go on the following morning, which was the 11 th."