HC Deb 05 March 1807 vol 9 cc54-5

Did you vote at the election for Westminster? Yes.—For whom? For Mr. S.—Did you vote before you received that letter? believe it was 9 or 10 days afterwards.—Did you apply to Drake in the first instance to get the first letter? I asked him for it at a place where I was. I took him with me to a meeting one night.—You stated that you knew several persons in your trade who have letters of that description: did you apply to him for a letter from Mr. S. ? I said, if he could get me a letter from an admiral; I did not know any thing of Mr. S.—You have stated that you were present when Mr. S. took a copy of this letter; who was present besides you? Mr. Johnston was in the room.—Did you not think the name of the person who fills the office of treasurer of the navy, would have a better effect signed to his letter, than even the name of an admiral? I do not know.—What use did you intend to make of that letter? For an introduction.—How was the introduction to be procured?. When I have got a letter of this sort in my possession, and I go alongside a ship, I hand it up the side, saying, I have a letter for the commanding officer and they look at it if they please to take it into the ship; then if they please or not to admit the person who has the letter.—Would you not prefer a letter from sir Isaac Coffin, to a letter from the treasurer of the navy? Yes.