HC Deb 24 July 1807 vol 9 c911

In a committee on the expiring laws bill, Mr. Rose moved a resolution for continuing to the 25th of March next, the act for suspending certain penalties in the woollen manufacture. Lord Milton urged the importance of coming to a final adjustment of the differences existing between the various classes of persons concerned in the woollen manufacture. With a view to accelerate this final adjustment he moved, as an amendment. that the duration of the Suspension act should be limited to four weeks after the commencement of the next session of parliament. Mr. P. Moore stated, that an arrangement of the differences in the woollen manufactories had for upwards of five year engaged the attention of the house by a committees. All the parties were tired of dissention, and more desirous than ever to come to a final arrangement. Mr. Huskisson said, government was anxious to forward by all means in its power the final arrangement of the differences which had so long existed. After a few words from Mr. Rose, it was agreed that the chairman should report progress, and ask leave to sit again, with a view to consider in the interval how the speedy adjustment of the existing differences could be best provided for.—Mr. Sheridan presented several petitions from the Brewers, Distillers, and Publicans of Middlesex and Surrey, against the abuse of the powers exercised by the magistrates of those counties with respect to publicans' licences. The petitions were ordered to lie on the table. Mr. Sheridan gave notice, that he would next week submit a measure for the relief of the grievances complained of by the petitioners.