HC Deb 20 July 1807 vol 9 cc844-5
Mr. Mellish

presented several petitions from the ministers, church-wardens, and overseers of the poor of different parishes in the city of London, against Mr. Whitbread's bill for the Education and Relief of the Poor. The petitions were respectively ordered to lie on the table till the second reading of the Poor Relief bill, and referred to the committee on the Parochial School bill. Similar petitions were presented from the magistrates of Surrey, and from different places, which were disposed of in a similar way.—A new writ was ordered for the Borough of Winchelsea in the room of sir F. F. Vane, bart. who since his election had accepted the office of steward of the Chiltern Hundreds.—Sir C. Pole presented a petition from R. Eyre, esq. relative to a sum of 59,000l. remaining unpaid of the proceeds of a Dutch Factory, captured in the year 1781, at the capture of which the petitioner commanded his majesty's sloop of war, Nymph. The petition praying a compensation out of the public money, was consented to on the part of the crown, by the chancellor of the exchequer, who did not thereby pledge himself as to what course might be afterwards adopted with respect to the petition.— The Attorney-General brought up a bill to amend the 40th of the king, concerning the personal and other property of the king and of the Queen consort for the time being; which was read a first time.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer, pursuant to notice, moved for and obtained leave to bring in a bill, to continue the Commission of Military Inquiry. The bill was to continue the commission to June next, and he proposed this limit, not because he expected they could bring their labours to a close in that time, but at the desire of the commissioners, who wished that parliament should have the power of considering then, how far it might be expedient to continue the commission after that period. —Mr. Cochrane Johnstone moved, that there be laid before the house, an account of all balances to the latest period, for or against the army agents, as far as the same could be ascertained. Also, a statement of the fund for granting pensions to the Widows of Officers, the names of the persons upon the list; the amount of the pension to each, and the time when they were placed in the list. Also, an account of the application of all sums that had been granted by parliament to the compassionate list, the names of the persons on the list, the amount of allowance to each, and the times when they were respectively placed on the list. Ordered.— The East-India Bond's bill went through a committee. After some enquiries from lord A. Hamilton, as to the grounds and objects of the measure, which were replied to by Mr. Grant, in a short statement, the same in substance with what he had said in the prior stages of the business, the report was ordered to be received on Thursday.