HC Deb 16 July 1807 vol 9 c830

A new writ was ordered for the borough of Orford, in the room of lord Robert Seymour, who having been also elected for the county of Caermarthen, had made his election to serve for that county.—The speaker informed the house, that he had received a letter from Samuel Smith, esq., who, having been elected for Midhurst and Leicester, had made his election to serve for Leicester. A new writ was then ordered for Midhurst.—Mr. Hobhouse reported from the committee, to whom the resolution of the house of the 11th day of Feb. 1789, respecting the Recognizances to be entered into by any person having presented a petition to this house, complaining of an undue election, was referred; that the committee had come to the following resolution; "That, so far as the said resolution respects the notice required to be given by the petitioner to the sitting member or members, or their known agent or agents, of the time and place of the intended examination of the sufficiency of the surety or sureties to be named in any recognizance, and of the names, additions, and places of abode of such sureties, if the petitioner shall not have been able to find and serve the sitting member or his known agent or agents, and if he shall thereupon have obtained an order from the house enlarging the time for entering into his recognizance, it shall be sufficient for the petitioner to give the said notice in writing, seven days at least previous to such examination, to the clerk of the house of commons, who shall enter the same in a book to be kept for that purpose, which shall be open to the inspection of all persons concerned." Ordered, that the said resolution be printed.—Mr. C. Dundas moved, that the order of the house of the 24th of Nov. 1699, "That the chairman of the Committee for any Private bill do not sit thereupon, without a week's public notice thereof set up in the lobby," and which was, upon the 15th of Feb. 1700, declared to be a standing Order, be read: and the same being read, it was ordered, That a committee be appointed to take the same into consideration, for the purpose of enabling the chairman, in all cases where the house has given power to the committee, to send for persons, papers, and records, to issue an order accordingly, so that such persons, papers, and records may be had in readiness for the committee to proceed upon at the expiration of the week's notice; and that they do report the same, with their opinion thereupon, to the house.