Sir J. Newport brought up a bill, to amend the Act of the 42d of his present majesty, for regulating the trials of Controverted Elections, or returns of members to serve in parliament for Ireland; which was read a first time.—The Secretary at War presented the Army Estimates for the present year, and a copy of the warrant for fixing certain allowances and pensions, in pursuance of the Act 46 Geo. III. These papers were ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed. He then gave notice, that, on Friday se'nnight, he would move those estimates in the committee of Supply. Mr. Perceval wished to know whether the papers moved for on a former night, by a noble lord, not now present (Castlereagh,) with a view to the elucidation of the state of our Military Establishments would be ready before that day. The Secretary at War conceived the papers now presented, might in a great measure afford the information the noble lord wished for.