HC Deb 09 January 1807 vol 8 c429

Mr. Wilder, seeing the right hon. secretary for the war department in his place, wished to be informed by him, why the name of colonel, now general Oswald, had been omitted in the vote of thanks for the glorious victory of Maida, to the achievement of which his conduct and gallantry had materially contributed.

Mr. Secretary Windham

said, it had been his wish, in framing the vote of thanks, to go as far as any former precedent would warrant him in mentioning the officers concerned, by name. No officer of a lower rank than major-general was mentioned by name in any former vote of thanks. But, as the rank of brigadier-general had been recently introduced into our service, he thought we might with propriety extend the compliment to that also. Colonel Oswald was not at the time actually a brigadier-general, though acting in that rank with great credit to himself, and great benefit to the service. The circumstances he mentioned were the only causes of the omission, and he hoped this explanation, which he was happy to have the opportunity of making, would prove perfectly satisfactory to the feelings of the hon. gent. behind him, and of every friend of that gallant and meritorious officer.

Mr. Wilder

said, he was perfectly satisfied with the explanation given by the right hon. secretary.

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