HC Deb 08 January 1807 vol 8 c425

At four o'clock the Speaker counted the house, when above 100 members being present, the house proceeded to ballot for a committee to decide on the double return from Horsham. Forty members having been balloted, a minor committee was appointed, and retired into one of the committee chambers for the purpose of reducing the committee of forty to fifteen. Some time after, Mr. White from the committee made his appearance at the bar, and presented a list of the members selected, which was read by the Speaker, and which was as follows: viz. Sir F. Fletcher Vane, W. Jacob, esq. hon. W. Howard, A. Atherley, esq. A. Tower, esq. T. R. Beaumont, esq. earl Percy, J. H Tremayne, sir J. Lubbock, hon. A. Foley, lord Walpole, G. Jones, J. Barry, esq. J. Raine, esq. W. Dickenson, esq.: the two last names were appointed nominees.—The Exchequer Bills bill, and the Annual Indemnity bill, were read a second time.