Mr. Parkhurst, from the commissioners for liquidating the Carnatic debts, presented their first report to the house, which was ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.—Mr. Vansittart presented an account of Exchequer Bills outstanding and unprovided for. Ordered to lie on the table.—He then gave notice that he would the next day in the committee of supply, move for an issue of Exchequer Bills.—On Mr. Vansittart's moving that the Oak Bark regrating indemnity bill be read a second time, lord Folkestone, although he had himself no objection to the bill, yet, as it would affect the interests of many individuals in the country, he trusted the hon. gent. would not press it through the house before those individuals could learn the nature of the provisions in which they were interested. Mr. Vansittart acquiescing, though at the same time declaring that it was indispensable that no great delay should take place, the second reading was postponed to Monday.—Petitions were presented against the returns for the following places:—Sudbury. The ground of complaint in the petition was treating. Ordered to be taken into consideration on Tuesday, the 17th of February. Rochester. 253 This was a petition, by certain electors against Mr. Barnett, on the ground of treating. To be taken into consideration on the 19th of February. Newcastle under Line. This petition to be taken into consideration on the 19th of February. Glasgow, Renfrew, &c. &c. This was a petition by Mr. Boyd Alexander against Archibald Campbell, esq. Ordered to be taken into consideration on the 17th of March. County of Mayo. The grounds of this petition were, the improper interference of the marquis of Sligo and the sheriff, and the admission of illegal votes. To be taken into consideration on the 24th of February.—Malmsbury. There were two petitions, one from the unsuccessful candidates, and another from certain burgesses. Both ordered to be taken into consideration on the 26th of Feb. Wick, &c. in Caithness. Petition from Sir John Sinclair. Ordered to be taken into consideration on the 26th of Feb. Colchester. Petition from some electors. To be considered on the 3d of March. Great Yarmouth. Petition from certain electors. To be considered on the 3d of March. Linlithgow, &c. &c. Petition on the ground of bribery and corruption. At the suggestion of lord Howick, this, for the purpose of forwarding the business, was also ordered to be taken into consideration on the 3d of March. Hythe. This petition to be taken into consideration on Thursday, the 5th of March.—Mr. Whitbread gave notice that he would the next day move, that the order for taking into consideration the Thetford petition should be rescinded, for the purpose of appointing a more distant day.—Mr. Adam moved, that the order for taking into consideration the Linlithgow petition should be rescinded, for the purpose of appointing a more distant day. This had been done in another case of the same nature from Scotland. The Speaker said, that this would leave a vacancy on the 3d of March, and if there was any objection to the motion, a notice must be given. Lord Howick thought the reason perfectly sufficient, and therefore there could be no objection. Mr. Johnstone thought that he would be justified in acting with the same severity here, as had been used towards him on a former occasion. However he would not have objected, had it not been that it was unfair to make any alteration in this case while one of the parties was absent.—Mr. Adam then gave a notice of the motion for the next day.