On the motion of lord Henry Petty the house resolved itself into a committee of the whole house, to consider of granting relief to the West India Trade, Mr. Hobhouse in the chair.
§ Lord H. Pettystated to the committee, that as the subject which he was about to bring under their consideration, was so generally known, and the principles upon which the measures he proposed to adopt were grounded were so obvious, that it would be necessary for him to trouble the committee with a very few words indeed. The great stock of sugar on hand, arising partly from the situation of the continent, and partly from other circumstances, called for legislative interference, and the house he was sure, would take the necessary measures for that purpose. The object of the resolutions he had to propose was, to encourage the exportation of sugars, and the consumption of rum. The first he proposed to do by allowing bounties, and permitting sugars, which might be taken out of the warehouses for home consumption, to be returned to the warehouses for exportation, with proper provisions to prevent their being taken out again for home consumption, without paying the necessary duties. This regulation would have the effect of inducing foreigners to make this country the depot for the supply of the continent. The other object was to be effected by laying an additional duty on brandy. This was the article of regulation 841 to which he had alluded in opening the ways and means for the year; and he trusted the house would agree in the propriety of adopting it. Upon all due consideration of the subject, it appeared, that brandies would bear an addition of 2s. 6d. per gallon on all brandies imported for home consumption, and of ls. per gallon on brandies imported for re-exportation. The noble lord moved the following resolutions: "That a bounty of ten shillings per cwt. be allowed on the exportation of all double-refined sugar, over and above the allowances now made on the exportation of refined sugars. That a bounty of two shillings per cwt. be allowed on the exportation of all raw and muscovado sugars, under the price of forty shillings per cwt.; and of one shilling per cwt. on all raw and muscovado sugars, of between forty and forty-five shillings per cwt.; whenever it shall appear by the notices in the London Gazette that the average prices for the antecedent quarter have been of the respective amounts stated. That an additional duty of two shillings and sixpence per gallon shall be imposed on brandy or foreign spirits, imported for home consumption: and of one shilling per gallon on all brandies imported for the purpose of re-exportation." The resolutions were agreed to, and the report was ordered to received to-morrow.