§ Sir Ralph Milbanke,Chairman of the Saltash Election Committee, informed the house, that the said committee Met this morning, pursuant to their adjournment of yesterday, and G.V. Vernon, esq. one of the members of the said committee, not attending, the committee continued to sit for one hour, and then adjourned till tomorrow. Ordered, That the said Mr. Vernon do attend this house, in his place, upon Monday next.—Mr. Johnson, from the office of the chief secretary for Ireland, presented an Account of the Receipts and Disbursements of the commissioners of Public Accounts in Ireland, for the year ending the 5th of January 1807. Ordered to he on the table.—Ordered, on the motion of Mr. Bathurst, that the committee appointed to search for precedents touching the expulsion of members, have power to send for persons, papers, and records.—A new writ was ordered for the city of Worcester, in the room of Henry Bromley, who since his election had accepted the Chìltern Hundreds.—Lord Temple brought up the Cape of Good Hope Trade bill, which was read a first time.—The house, on the motion of Mr. Vansittart, resolved itself into a committee of supply, and resolved that a sum not exceeding 1,200,000l. be granted to his majesty, for discharging the Interest of such Exchequer Bills as may have been paid off in the year 1806.