The house at its meeting proceeded to ballot for committees, to try and determine the merits of the Petitions complaining of the late returns for the county of Norfolk, and the borough of Plymouth. The following were the committees appointed: For Norfolk, Henry Baring, esq. Mark Wood, esq. lord Morpeth, T. W. Plummer, esq. A. Atherly, esq. C. Western, esq. R. T. Stuart, esq. Henry Parnell, esq. Robert Williams, esq. Charles Adams, esq. J. Kingston, esq. Wm. Praed, esq. Owen Williams, esq. Nominees, G. H. Rose, esq. Charles Dundas, esq.—For Plymouth, J. Barham, esq. H. Willoughby, esq. Wm. Roscoe, esq. R. B. Robson, esq. E. Desborough, esq. Wm. Cavendish, esq. John Calvert, esq. hon. W. Hill, Lord Rancliffe, hon. Wm. Maul, Joseph Crips, esq. James Brogden, esq. T. Godfrey, esq. Nominees, Wm. Cartwright, esq. Jonathan Raine, esq.—Ordered, on the motion of lord Howick, that the order for calling over the house be renewed for Tuesday next: also, that the names of such members as shall be absent on that day be reported to the house on such day as the house should direct, and that those for whose absence a sufficient excuse could not be assigned, should be taken into the custody of the serjeant at arms.—The Speaker acquainted the house, that the Worcester Petition having been appointed to be taken into consideration on Tuesday last, at half past three o'clock, and W. Gordon, esq. the petitioner, not having appeared pursuant to the act, within one hour after the petition was ordered to be taken into consideration, he had certified the recognizances in this case to his majesty's court of Exchequer.—Mr. Simeon gave notice that, in consequence of an extraordinary circumstance that had taken place in the Maldon Election Committee, he should, on a future day, move for leave to bring in a bill to explain and amend the Grenville Act respecting election committees. The hon. member was proceeding to detail the grounds of his motion, when the Speaker begged to remind the hon. gent. that the house confided all matters touching Election Petitions to its committees, and that, according to the practice of the house, the hon. gentleman ought to confine himself to stating the object of his motion. Mr. Simeon was aware, that the decision of se- 674 lect committees were final relative to the elections, but from the circumstance of the chairman of the Maldon Committee having given a double vote in the late case, whereby one member was seated, and another deprived of his seat, he thought this part ought to be regulated. It was on that ground, that he proposed to give notice of a motion to amend the Grenville Act. The hon. member fixed his motion for Monday next.—Mr. Atkyns Wright presented at the bar, the minutes of the evidence taken before the Penrhyn Committee. Ordered to lie on the table, and to be printed.—The house having gone into a committee of the whole house, to consider of the several acts relative to the Trade of the Cape of Good Hope, Mr. Hobhouse in the chair; it was resolved, That the chairman be directed to move for leave to bring in a bill to authorise his Majesty for a time to be limited, to make regulations respecting the Trade and Commerce of the Cape of Good Hope. On the house being resumed, the chairman moved for and obtained leave to bring in a bill accordingly.—The Lord Advocate of Scotland moved, that the order for the committal of the Scotch Clergy bill should be discharged. The bill, of which he had given notice, to vest the powers of the Commissioners of Teinds in the court of Exchequer, would embrace the object of the bill which he now wished to withdraw. The order was accordingly discharged.