HC Deb 02 February 1807 vol 8 cc604-5
Mr. Sheridan,

in rising, pursuant to notice, to move for leave to bring in a bill for the further regulation of the office of Treasurer of the Navy, did not think it necessary to go at length into the grounds of his motion, as the facts which rendered such a bill necessary were within the knowledge of the house. On a recent occasion, doubts had been entertained by the Judges as to the construction of the act of his present majesty, which was intended to prevent the Treasurer of the Navy from making any extraordinary emolument of the public money entrusted to his charge for official purposes. It was necessary to remove those doubts, and though some hesitation had existed as to the best means of removing them, no doubt whatever was entertained of the fact that they ought to be removed. A short act of parliament had, at length, been determined upon as the best mode of removing them, and of regulating the future management of the navy money, in the manner best adapted to the public service, and productive of the least possible inconvenience to the bank. Mr. S. moved accordingly, and leave was given to bring in the bill.

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