HC Deb 20 April 1807 vol 9 c496
Mr. Whitbread

presented a petition from W. C. Lindsey, esq. of the county of Tyrone, in Ireland, of whom he had not the least knowledge; but was a petition complaining of a grievance which was alleged to exist, and praying for relief: he therefore thought it his duty to present it to the house. The petition being read at the table, appeared to state a number of loyal actions performed by the petitioner in Ireland, which brought on the total ruin of his family, and involved himself in the greatet difficulty. It therefore prayed the interposition of that honourable house in his behalf. Mr. Stewart bore testimony to the loyal exertions of this gentleman in Ireland during the late troublesome times. Mr. Wickham expressed himself confident that when the subject should be investigated, the earl of Hardtwicke would be found free from blame. The petition was then ordered to lie on the table.