§ Mr. Wilberforcebrought up a report from the committee appointed to enquire into the merits of the petition complaining of an undue election for the county of Londonderry, and obtained leave for the adjournment of the said committee, until again summoned by the Speaker's warrant, in order that time should be allowed to the commissioners for examining evidence upon this subject in Ireland.—Upon the motion of Mr. G. Rose, new writs were ordered for Christchurch, in the room of the right hon. George Rose, who, since his election, had accepted the office of treasurer of the navy ; and of Mr. S. Bourne, who had accepted the office of one of the lords commissioners of the treasury.—Upon the motion of sir J. Newport, the Irish Stamp Duty bill, and the Irish Servants' Wages bill, were read a third time and passed. —MT. Lyttleton gave notice of his intention to submit to the house a motion on Wednesday next, expressive of its sentiments with regard to the late change of administration.—The bill for raising a fund to provide for the Widows and Orphans of Schoolmasters in Scotland; and the Dover Pilots Regulation bill, were read a second time, and ordered to be committed.—Mr. Swan gave notice, that he would on Monday move that the petitioners from Lancaster upon the subject of colonel Cawthorne's Election should be heard by counsel at the bar.—Mr. Huskisson, adverting to an order made last session, upon the motion of a noble lord (H. Petty), whom he then saw in his place, for the production of an account with regard to the Scotch excise for a certain number of years, observed, that, in pursuance of that order, there were now behind him two huge volumes, which only contained the accounts of one year, although almost all the clerks in the establishment had been engaged since the order, in preparing it. Now, as he could not conceive the object of the noble lord, or the utility of a compliance with his motion, he gave notice that he would on Monday move for rescinding the order with regard to the 23 preceding years to which it referred.