Sir Arthur Welles- leysaid, he wished to enquire of the hon. gent. (Mr. Paull), whether he meant to bring forward the charge against the marquis of Wellesley, respecting his transactions in Oude, this Week? The reason why he asked the question was, that it would be much more convenient for him to attend the discussion in the course of the ensuing Week; as particular business required his going for a few days into the country. His object, however, at present, was, pursuant to his notice, to move for the following papers, viz. that there be laid before this house 1. "A Copy of a Letter to the Court of Directors in the Judicial Department, dated 6th July 1802, from the Governor General in council, transmitting a Copy of the Answers to the Governor General's interrogatories sent by the several judicial officers and collectors throughout the provinces. 2. That there be laid before this house, extract of a general letter from the court of directors in the revenue and judicial department; dated 14th September 1803, paragraph 15, to the government of Bengal, signifying the court's approbation of the zeal which the governor general had manifested for the public interests, in proposing certain queries to the collectors and magistrates. 3. That there be laid before this house, extract of a letter from the court of directors in the public department, dated 26th March 1801, Paragraph 48, approving of the arrangements of the governor general in council for the regulation of the press. 4. That there be laid before this house, a copy of the minutes of the governor general lord Wellesley, dated 19th March 1801, and recorded in the secret and political department, for improving the governor general's office. 5. That there be laid before this house, extract of a separate letter from the governor general in Council to the court of directors dated. 31st of July 1801, paragraphs 28 to 40 inclusive, respecting the re-establishment of the town duties, and the improvement of the government customs; together With any reply from the court of directors to the same. 6. That there be laid before this house, extract of a letter in the revenue department from the Bengal government to the court of directors, dated 5th March 1800, paragraphs 14 to 20, inclusive, relative to the stamp duties, and to the establishment of other sources of revenue. 7. That there be laid before this house, extract of a letter from the Bengal government, in the revenue department to the court of 105 directors, dated 5th September 1800, relative to the abkaree or tax on spirituous liquors, and the court's reply to the same S. That there be laid before this house, extract of a letter from the court of directors to the Bengal government, dated 14th September 1803, paragraph 24, approving of the regulatipns for levying a duty on spirituous liquors distilled according to the European method. 9. That there be laid before this house extracts of letters from the Bengal government, in the public department, dated 31st July 1798, paragraph 35, and the 25th December 1798, paragraphs 128 to 134, to the court of directors relative to the revenues of. the post office, and the court's replies to the same. 10. That there be laid before this house, extract of such part of the proceedings of the Bengal Government, in the law department, dated 6th May 1800, as relate to the establishment of the police; together with such proceedings and resolutions of the government, in the judicial department (criminal branch) on the same subject, dated 15th May 1800; and all such minutes of the governor general, and reports, as relate to the establishment of the police at Calcutta in the year 1800, under the improvements introduced by lord Wellesley. 11. That there be laid before this house, an account of the net revenues of the ceded provinces in Oude, after deducting expences of collection, and other contingent charges, since the conclusion of the Treaty of Lucknow in November 1801 to the latest period, shewing the amount of revenue applicable to the payment of the troops, after deducting all civil charges. 12. That there be laid before this house, a copy of the governor general's minute, in the political department, dated 12th April 1805, relative to Captain Sydenham's allowances." Ordered.
§ Mr. Paullsignified his readiness to concur in the suggestion of the hon. general and declared his intention to submit a motion to the house on the subject, if some satisfactory reason should not be given for the delay in the production of the Bhurtpore Papers.