A message from the lords announced that they would proceed further on the trial of lord Melville to morrow.— The Secretary at War brought up a return of the number of recruits under the Additional Force act, from limited to unlimited service, from 1804 to 1806. Ordered to lie on the table.—Mr. Huskisson, after a few introductory observations respecting the claims of Messrs Chalmers for compensation on account of the losses sustained upon certain cargoes of Swedish herrings imported by them, in the year 1801, said that the board of treasury had, in 1804, considered the subject very minutely; and although they admitted it certainly was a case of hardship, yet they were of opinion that it was not one of those which they were, in justice, bound to compensate. He concluded by moving, that there be laid before the house a copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the board of treasury on the 10th of August 1804, respecting the claims of Messrs Chalmers and Cowie. Ordered.