—Lord Henry Pettyrose to give a general notice on a very important subject. Gentlemen must be aware that there had been for some days on the table a most important report of the commissioners of military inquiry. (See appendix, vol. vi. p. cliii.) The facts contained in that report made it necessary that measures should be taken, without one day's delay, to apply a remedy to the abuses which they proved. But as they were under the consideration of his majesty's government, and so far advanced as to render it likely that it would be produced before the close of the present session, one general measure for bringing up the arrears of the public accountants, it was conceived that the subject the report on the table applied to, would be most properly included in that general measure. The suggestions contained in that report would be fully attended to in framing the general measure under consideration. He assured the house, in the mean time, that this delay of the legislative provision, would not prevent the adoption of immediate steps to obtain the repayment of the large balance that appeared to be due to the public from a person who had lately held an office of high public trust (General De Lancey), late barrack master general.