HC Deb 07 May 1806 vol 7 c35
Mr. Alderman Combe

presented a bill from the coach-makers of London against the raw hide and skin cutting and flaying bill.—A person from the Tax Office presented an account of the amount of all Exemptions to Foreigners on sums in the Public Funds, upon the Property Tax act. Ordered, on the motion of Mr. Magens, after a short conversation between Mr. Foster, Mr. Corry, and Mr. Magens, that there be laid before the house an account of the quantities and value, real and official, of all foreign Linens imported into Great Britain from the 1st of Jan. 1790, to the 1st of Jan. 1806. Also of the quantity exported during the same period, together with the rate and amount of duties and drawbacks thereon, distinguishing the several sorts, and each year.—The Secretary at War, for the purpose of throwing light on a part of a comparison which had been made in some late debates, moved that there be laid before the house, a return of the number of recruits raised under the Additional Force act that had volunteered from limited to unlimited service from Oct. 1804, to April, 1806. Ordered.

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