HC Deb 28 March 1806 vol 6 c564

The Sheriffs of London presented a petition from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, against the Coal Admeasurement bill, as touching on their right of Metage.—Mr. Briggs, from the Commissioners of Naval Revision, presented an Account of the intended application of 20,000l. granted this year, under the head of that commission.—A person from the Tax Office, presented an Account of the Net Assessments of the Duty on Property, for the year ending the 5th of April 1804; and several other Accounts on the same subject, which were referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.—Mr. Vansittart moved that there be laid before the House an Account of the quantity of British Plantation Sugar imported and exported for three years, ending the 5th of January, 1806; an Account of the produce of the War Duties on Goods and Merchandize, during the same period; an Account of the Amount of Duties on Tobacco for six years ending January the 5th, 1806; an Account of the quantity of Foreign Iron imported for the last six years, and the quantity of British unmanufactured Iron exported in the same period; an Account of the net produce of the Duties on Wine for the last three years; an Account of the quantity of Tea above 2s. 6d. a pound sold at the East-India Company's sale within the last six years, distinguishing each year. Also an Account of the net produce of the Duties on Auctions for the last three years. The several accounts were ordered, and the Inspector General of Exports and Imports presented them at the bar, when they were referred to the Committee of Ways and Means.—The Irish Treasury-bills bill and the British Fishery bill were read a second time, and ordered to be committed to-morrow.—Lord Henry Petty presented at the bar a message from his majesty, which was brought up, and read from the chair as follows:—"G. R. His majesty being desirous of conferring a signal mark of his favour and approbation on vice-admiral sir John Duckworth, in consideration of the service rendered by him, and the skill and gallantry displayed by him in an engagement with an enemy's fleet on the 5th of February last, where in the whole of the enemy's force was taken or destroyed, recommends to his faithful commons to take measures for securing to the said sir John Duckworth an annuity of 1000l. for the term of his natural life." On the motion of lord H. Petty, it was ordered that his majesty's, most gracious message be taken into consideration on Monday.—Lord H. Petty gave notice that, immediately after the holidays, he should submit propositions to the house for making a national provision for the family of the late lord Nelson.

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