HC Deb 14 March 1806 vol 6 c432

Lord Stanley presented a petition from the Maltsters, &c. of the Borough of Preston, praying relief from certain restrictions imposed by the act of the 42d of the king.—Mr. Alcock from the Treasury presented an account, showing how the monies voted for the service of the year 1805 had been disposed of, under their several heads, so far as relates to Great Britain.—A person from the British Museum presented an account of the Expenditure of that institution, for the year 1805, and estimates for the year 1806.—Mr. Calcraft brought up certain Ordnance papers, containing an account of the effective strength of the Artillery and Drivers; and also an account of the effective strength of the corps of Engineers, from 1801 to 1806 inclusive.—On the motion of Mr. W. Dundas, the Scotch Creditors' bill was read a 2d time.—On the motion. of Mr. Vansittart the Sugar Drawback and the Irish Sugar Drawback bills were read a third time and passed.—Mr. Rose moved for an account of the amount of all exports from Great Britain to the island of Tortola, for the last 7 years, distinguishing British from foreign goods; also an account of the quantity of sugar, rum, and coffee, exported from the Island of Tortola to our foreign settlements; and copies of all orders of his majesty in council relative to the execution of the act of the 42d and 43d of his majesty.—Ordered.