Mr. Johnson,from the office of the chief secretary of Ireland, presented at the bar, an account of the ordinary revenue of Ireland, pursuant to an order of the house.—Mr. Calcraft presented the ordnance estimates, and gave notice that although it was earlier than the usual practice, yet as he apprehended no objection would be made to his proposition, and as it would be attended with much convenience, he would move them in the committee of supply on Friday.—On the motion of Mr. Whitbread, the order of the day of taking into further consideration the report of the committee appointed to prepare another article of impeachment against lord Melville, was read. He then moved, that the said article be one other of the articles of impeachment against lord vis- 371 count Melville. Ordered.—On the motion of Mr. Witbread, it was also ordered, that a clause be prepared, saving liberty to the commons to prefer any other articles of impeachment against lord viscount Melville, and that he be put to answer the same; and that the committee appointed to draw up the articles of impeachment, be appointed to draw up the said clause. The hon. gent. immediately brought up a report from the committee, containing the above clause, which was read, agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed, with the article of impeachment.