The sheriffs of London presented at the bar, a petition from the lord mayor, aldermen, and commons of the city of London, stating, that the existing acts relative to a free market for coals in the city of London were defective, and praying leave to bring in a bill to amend and render the same more effectual. Referred to a committee.—Mr. Fox presented a petition from the company of Butchers of the city of London, setting forth "that an act was passed 43 Geo. III. to extend the provisions of two acts, passed 39 and 40 and 41 Geo. III. relating to the use of horse hides in making boots and shoes, and preventing the damaging of raw hides and skins in the flaying thereof, and. to alter and amend the same, as to the cities of London and Westminster, and borough of Southwark and liberties thereof, and all places within 15 miles of the Royal Exchange; and that. the petitioners and other Butchers residing within the limits of the said act have sustained very considerable loss by the operation thereof; and that the petitioners conceive the intentions of the said act might be more easily and effectually carried into execution, if the said act was repealed, and the necessary powers and provisions, so far as relates to the limits therein mentioned, comprised in one act: and there- 364 fore praying, that leave may be given to bring in a bill for the purposes aforesaid." Ordered to be referred to the consideration of a committee.—Lord Henry Petty presented the annual petitions from the different Irish charities; which were ordered to lie on the table.—On the motion of Mr. Whitbread, the order made on the 27th of Feb. was discharged, and anew order made for a return of the volunteer force of G. Britain, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, describing the different state of discipline of each corps, and specifying the names of the returning officers.—On the motion of Mr. Harrison, it was ordered that an account be laid before the house, of all wool imported into Great Britain for the last ten years, distinguishing the kinds and specifying the countries from whence received. Lord Castlereagh moved for the abstracts of the men raised by the Additional Force bill; and lord Henry Petty moved for an account of the penalties incurred under the said act.—Mr. Hobhouse presented a petition of the several creditors of the late Nabobs of Arcot, and parties to the articles of agreement hereinafter mentioned; setting forth, that by certain articles of agreement, bearing date the 10th of July 1805, made between the East-India company of the one part, and the creditors of the late nabobs of Arcot, of the other part, a certain fund is provided for the satisfaction of the debts of the creditors of the said nabobs, and for investigating the claims, and ascertaining the amount thereof, by certain commissioners named in the said articles of agreement; and that all the objects of the parties to the said articles of agreement, as therein expressed, cannot be effectuated without the assistance of parliament: and therefore praying, that leave may be given to bring in a bill for effectually carrying the said articles of agreement into execution, or that they may have such relief as the house shall think proper." Ordered to be referred to the consideration of a committee.