§ Colonel Verekerreported from the committee, to whom the petition from the city of Limerick had been referred, and obtained leave to bring in a bill for the more equal taxing, and the better paving, cleansing, and lighting the city of Limerick.—Mr. Alderman Combe presented a petition from several persons, owners and proprietors of houses, in Skinner-street, Snow-hill, and in Pickett street, Temple-Bar, praying leave to dispose of the same by way of lottery. He also presented a petition from the Master Shoe-makers of the city of London, praying for certai[...]n regulations therein stated, for the better sup- 359 pression of combination among the trade. —On the motion of Mr. Vansittart, a new writ was ordered for the Borough of Corfe Castle, in the room of the right hon. Nathanael Bond, who has accepted the office of judge advocate general.—Mr. Mainwaring presented a petition for leave to bring in a bill for building a bridge over the Thames, opposite to Vauxhall.—The report of the committee of yesterday, on the situation of lord Collingwood's family, was brought up and agreed to, and, on the motion of lord H Petty, it was ordered that it be an instruction to the committee, to whom lord Collingwood's annuity bill was referred, to introduce provisions agreeably to those resolutions.—Lord H. Petty brought in the bill for the better regulating the office of treasurer of the ordnance, which was read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. Mr. S. Bourne asked if any additional salary had been granted, or was in contemplation to be granted, to the persons holding the office in question, and other similar offices, in consequence of the regulations now introduced? The noble lord answered, that no such addition had been made, nor was he aware that any such was in contemplation.