HC Deb 05 March 1806 vol 6 cc351-2
The Secretary at War

presented the army estimates, which the right hon. gent. stated to be formed on the same scale precisely with those for 3 months, which had been voted on the proposition of his predecessor. The estimates which he had now the honour to present, were only for two months, and he hoped that long before the expiration of that time. his majesty's ministers would have fully matured, and parliament finally adopted, a plan for the permanent military establishment of the year, a plan which, he trusted, would at the same time that it augmented and strengthened our military force reduce the expence of our military department.—Ordered to lie on the table, and the right hon. gent. gave notice, that he would on Friday move the estimates in the Committee of Supply.

Lord Castlereagh

took occasion to state, that the motion of the late ministers for proposing the estimates for only three months, was in order to leave their successors completely unfettered. He was enabled to say, that were it not for that consideration, the late administration was fully purposed at the time to bring forward a plan for the permanent military establishment of the year.