HC Deb 20 June 1806 vol 7 c781

The Assessed Tax bill, the Irish Mine bill, the Duke of Grafton's Agreement bill,the Prussian Yarn bill, and the Gibraltar and Malta Postage bill, were read a third time, passed, and ordered to the lords.—Lord Temple moved the order of the day for the further consideration of the American Intercourse bill. The house accordingly resolved itself into a committee on the bill, when the amendments proposed on a former night by Mr. Prinsep were adopted, and the bill ordered to be reported to-morrow.—Lord H. Petty moved, that there he laid before the house a copy of the Report of the Comptroller of Army Accounts, with respect to the mode in which the accounts of Mr. Trotter were made up, together with a copy of the Minute of the Board of Treasury thereon; also of two Minutes of the Board of Treasury on the Accounts of Mr. Pierce, Army Clothier for troops on the Continent.—Ordered.