HC Deb 13 June 1806 vol 7 c661
Sir T. Metcalfe

brought up a bill for incorporating the Globe In- surance Company. After a few words from Mr. Prinsep, sir W. Curtis, and Mr. Shaw Lefevre, the debate on the first reading was postponed to Tuesday next.—Lord H. Petty, from the bar of the house, declared that he had to report that the lords had agreed to a conference with the Commons, on the subject of the abolition of the Slave, Trade, and that they had appointed the same to take place immediately in the Painted Chamber. A Committee was instantly selected, who proceeded to the conference. On their return ld. H. Petty reported to the house that the committee had communicated to the Lords the resolution of the House of Commons on Tuesday last, and that they had left a copy of the same with their Lordships.—Mr. Fuller brought up a bill for the erection of a jetty or jetties in the port of Brighthelmstone; which was read a firs time.—On the motion of Mr. Wickham, an humble address was ordered to be presented to his majesty, that he would be graciously pleased to cause a copy of the articles of the treaty between his majesty and the elector of Bavaria, in the year 1800, by which it was stipulated that commissaries should reside on the part of Great Britain, with the subsidiary corps; also, a variety of papers tending to spew the instructions given to the said commissaries, and the opinion of the commissioners of the treasury thereon.—On the motion of Mr. Grant there were ordered to be laid before the house a copy of the report of the committee of the court of directors, on the subject of the Carnatic Debts, &c. and various letters relative thereto.—Mr. Fox brought up a bill to prevent ships from clearing out for the African Slave Trade, that had not hitherto been employed in the same trade; which was read a first time.—Sir J. Sinclair brought up the report of the committee on the Broad Wheeled Carriage act, which was ordered to be printed.—Sir J. Newport obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend the Election Laws of Ireland, and a bill for the better regulation and collection of the Duties on Spirituous Liquors distilled in Ireland.