§ Sir T. Metcalfeobtained leave to bring in a bill for incorporating the Globe Insurance Company.—Mr. Alderman Combe obtained leave to bring in a bill to amend so much of an act for the improvement of the port of London, as related to the compensations to be granted in certain cases.—A message from the Lords announced that their lordships had resolved to proceed farther on the trial of lord Melville the next day, at ten of the o'clock, in Westminster-hall; and that they had agreed to the Irish stamp-duty bill. The Speaker mentioned, that, in consequence of this message; he would take the 608 chair the next morning at 10, and that the names of the managers and members would be called over at half past ten as usual.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the committee on the General Assessed Tax act. The resolution relative to the exemptions were read and agreed to, and those who were appointed to bring in the Assessed Tax bill were ordered to make provision accordingly.