HC Deb 09 June 1806 vol 7 cc575-6
Mr. Foster

said, there was an order in the paper for the second reading of the Linen Drawback bill. Counsel were to be heard on it; and he would be guided by the gentlemen at the opposite side of the house, whether it should be postponed or not; for his part, he thought, that on account of the state of the house, several gentlemen being absent who wished to hear the matter discussed, it would be better to postpone the 2nd reading until Wednesday next, to which day he then moved it should be deferred.

Lord A. Hamilton

said, that being convinced that the measure was not yet advisable, he would move, that instead of Wednesday next, should be inserted this day three months.

Mr. Magens

made a few observations on the state of the trade, from the consideration of which he said, he was very desirous of seconding the motion of the noble lord.

Lord Temple

said, he thought it necessary that this business should be explained to the house, before it was absolutely decided on. The board of trade had formerly come to a resolution to allow a drawback on the duties on striped and checked linens, but not on plain; the object of this was, to encrease the exportation of our plain linens; but, by a mistake in the working of the act, the plain, as well as checked linens, were inserted. Now, on the faith of this act of parliament, the merchants here had sent orders to the foreign markets; so that if this bill was now to pass, it would act much to the disadvantage of these merchants. For this reason be thought parliament was pledged to hold them harmless, and he, therefore, conceived himself bound to support the amendment.

Mr. Foster

thought the noble lord (Temple) should have explained the matter more fully. After this mistake in the wording of the act had been discovered, he had proposed that the bill he had the honour of introducing, should not take effect, until every order that could possibly go from this country to foreign merchants, should have been executed. By the 1st of Nov. he conceived that these order would be perfected; but if other gentlemen did not think so, that was no reason why the bill should be thrown out entirely. It was a subject that could be considered, and settled in a committee; and he therefore thought, that the amendment should not be allowed, but that the bill should be committed, when a time might be fixed on to preclude all possibility of the merchants, who had sent orders, being injured.

Lord Temple

in explanation, said, the term from which this bill was to have effect could not be agreed on, and that was his reason for supporting the amendment.

Lord H. Petty

said, as it was agreed by all that there was a mistake, it should be rectified as soon as possible. The committee he considered as the proper place to deliberate on the term that should be allowed; he believed it was required, that until the 1st of March should be allowed, and he hoped his noble friends would consent to have the matter discussed in a committee.

Mr. Rose

agreed with the noble lord, and said, that the neglect was in a measure attributable to him, and he would be very sorry, on that account, that every chance of rectifying it should be taken away.

Sir J. Newport

hoped the noble lord would withdraw his amendment, as, by rejecting the bill in the present stare, it would appear as if the principle was objected to, when in reality, the only question was with regard to time, and he was sure the hon. gent.(Mr. Foster) would be willing to make every allowance.—It was then agreed, that both the motions should be withdraw and bill was read a 2nd time, and ordered: to be committed on Thursday next.