HC Deb 02 June 1806 vol 7 c482

The Sorry Iron Railway bill was read a 2d time; as was also the Croydon Iron Railway bill; which were respectively ordered to be committedߞOn the motion of Mr. Calcraft, a new writ was ordered to be issued for the borough of Honiton, in the room of the hon. Cavendish Bradshaw, who, since his election, had accepted the office of one of the tellers of his majesty's exchequerߞSir W. Curtis presented a petition from the shipbuilders, mastmakers, blockmakers, boatbuilders, &c. of London, against the American Intercourse billߞThe Philanthropic Society Incorporation bill was read a. 2d time, and ordered to be committedߞMr. Vansittart obtained leave to bring in a Bill to abolish the fees of the Custom-house Officers of the Port of London, and to regulate the attendance of the said officers.ߞMr. Vansittart observing that a paper relative to the Barrack Department had been omitted by a noble lord, in his motion the other night, moved, that there be laid before the house a copy of the letter from major Davis, assistant barrackmaster-general in the Isle of Wight, dated the 31st of January, 1806; together with a copy of the affidavit of W. Ward, transmitted therewith. Ordered.ߞOn the motion of Mr. Vansittart, the house went into a committee of supply; to which the accounts, presented on Friday last, relative to the amount and issue of Exchequer bills was referred. A resolution, that a sum of 4,500,0001., in exchequer bills, be granted to his majesty,for paying off ex- chequer bills issued for the service of the year 1805, now outstanding and not dis,. charged, was agreed to; and the house being resumed, the report was ordered to be received to-morrow.