HC Deb 23 July 1806 vol 7 cc1267-8

35. An act to revive and amend so much of an act made in the 43rd year of his present majesty, for granting certain Stamp Duties in Ireland, as provides for the exempting front the said duties, Bank Notes and Bank Post Bills issued by the governor and company of the bank of Ireland.

36. An act to repeal so much of an act of the last session of parliament, as charges a duty of 3s. upon certain Tenements or Dwelling Houses in Ireland.

37. An act to declare the law with respect to Witnesses refusing to answer.

38. An act for repealing the several duties of customs upon Tea imported into Great Britain, and for granting a duty in lieu thereof; and for granting to his majesty additional duties of excise on Tea.

39. An act for granting to his majesty, until 12 months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, additional duties of excise on Tobacco and Snuff.

40. An act to enable his majesty to grant a certain Annuity to vice admiral sir J. T. Duckworth, knight of the most hon. order of the bath, in consideration of the eminent services which he has rendered to his majesty and the public.

41. An act for raising the sum of three million by Loans or Exchequer bills, for the service of Great Britain for the year 1806.

42. An act for granting to his majesty, during the present war, and for six months after the expiration thereof, by the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, additional Duties on certain Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, imported into and exported from, or brought or carried coastwise within Great Britain.

43. An act for granting to his majesty certain Stamp Duties on Appraisements and on Licenses to Appra[...]sers in Great Britain

44. An act for carrying to the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain, the duties on Wine granted by two acts of the 43rd and 44th years of his present majesty

45. An act for the better regulation of the office of Treasurer of the Ordnance

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