HC Deb 23 July 1806 vol 7 cc1263-5

7. An act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Eployments; and for extending the times limited for those purposes respectively, until the 25th day of December 1806, and to permit such persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of Indentures of clerks to Attorneys and Solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the first day of Michaelmas term 1806.

8. An act for the regulation of his majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on shore.

9. An act for allowing, until the signa- ture of preliminary articles of peace, vessels employed in the Greenland Whale Fishery to complete their full number of men at certain ports.

10. An act for further continuing until the 25th day of March 1807, an act passed in the 43rd year of his present majesty, for discontinuing certain drawbacks and bounties on the exportation of Sugar from Great-Britain, and for allowing other drawbacks and bounties in lieu thereof.

11. An act for allowing the exportation of Corn and other articles for the use of his majesty's forces and garrisons.

12. An act to continue several acts for granting certain rates and duties, and allowing certain drawbacks and bounties, on goods, wares, and merchandise imported into and exported from Ireland; and for granting a duty upon Malt and Spirits made and distilled in Ireland, until the 29th day of September 1806; and for granting certain inland Duties of Excise and Taxes in Ireland, until the 25th day of March 1807

13. An act for settling and securing certain Annuities on Cuthbert lord Coiling-wood, and the several other persons therein described, in consideration of the signal and important service performed by the said Cuthbert lord Collingwood to his majesty and the public.

14. An act to continue, until the 25th day of March 1807, and to amend several acts for regulating the drawbacks and bounties on the exportation of Sugar from Ireland.

15. An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters, within the United Kingdom, and the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and Man.

16. An act to continue until the first day of June 1807, and amend an act passed in the 37th year of his present majesty, for carrying into execution the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between his Majesty, and the United States, of America.

17. An act to permit, until the 25th day of March 1809,the exportation to the United Kingdom, of Wool from the British plantations in America.

18. An act to continue, until the 25th day of March 1807, the operation of an act, passed in the last session of parliament, to suspend proceedings in actions, prosecutions, and proceedings, under certain acts relating to the Woollen Manufacture, and also under an act of queen Elizabeth, so far as the same relates to certain persons employed or concerned in the said manufacture.

19. An act for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Cloathing of the Militia in Great Britain for the year 1806.

20. An act to continue, until the 25th day of March 1807, and amend so much of an act made in the 39th and 40th years of his present majesty, as grants certain allowances to Adjutants and Serjeant-Majors of the Militia of England, disembodied under an act of the same session of parliament.

21. An act for making allowances in certain cases to Subaltern Officers of the Militia in Great Britain, while disembodied.

22. An act for defraying, until the 25th day of Match 1807, the charge of the Pay and Cloathing of the Militia of Ireland; for holding courts martial on Serjeant Majors, Serjeants, Corporals, and Drummers, for offences committed during the time such Militia shall not he embodied; and or making allowances in certain cases to Subaltern Officers of the said Militia during peace.

23. An act to extend the provisions of an .act passed in the 44th year of the reign of his present majesty, for enabling subjects of Foreign States to enlist as Soldiers in his majesty's service; and to indemnify those who have advised his majesty to land such soldiers in this kingdom.

24. An act for further continuing, until the 25th day of March 1808. an act made in the 33rd year of the reign of his present majesty, for rendering the payment of Creditors more equal and expeditious in Scotland.

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