HC Deb 23 July 1806 vol 7 cc1278-80

150. An act for the better regulation of the office of Receiver General of the Duties of Customs in Great Britain.

151. An act to enable his majesty to grant new leases on former rents for the benefit of Charitable Institutions, or augmentation of Ecclesiastical Corporations.

152. An act to stay, until 40 days after the commencement of the next session of parliament, proceedings in actions, prosecutions, or informations under an act made in the second year of king James, the First, intituled, An act concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers, occupying the cutting of Leather, so far as relates to the buying of Oak Bark and rough Hides and Calves Skins in the Hair.

153. An act for the preservation of the Public Harbours of the united kingdom.

154. An act for taking down the present building in which the treasury chambers and offices of the court of exchequer in Scotland were situated, and erecting new buildings in lieu thereof.

155. An act for applying certain balances arising from the Forfeited Estates in Scotland, towards making Canals, Harbours, and other public Works there.

156. An act for appropriating certain Balances arising from the Forfeited Estates in Scotland to the use of the British Fisheries and the erecting a Lunatic Asylum at Edinburgh, and the payment of the officers of the late board of annexed estates in Scotland.

157. An act for more effectually carrying into execution the purposes of an act made in the 39th and 40th year of his present majesty, to give further time for the payment, on the conditions therein mentioned, of instalments on certain Loans advanced to the house of Alexander Houstoun and Co. to Charles Ashwell, esq. and to William Johnstone, esq. being persons connected with and trading to the islands of Grenada and St. Vincent, so far as relates to the real and personal estates of William Mac Dowall, and Robert Houstoun Rae, in the West Indies and elsewhere, except in Scotland

158. An act for more effectually carrying into execution the purposes of an act made in the 39th and 40th year of his present majesty, to give further time for the payment, on the conditions, therein mentioned, of instalments on certain Loans advanced to the house of Alexander Houstoun and Co. to Charles Ashwell, esq. and to William Johnstone, esq. being persons connected with and trading to the islands of Grenada and St. Vincent, so far as relates to the real and personal estates of William Mac Dowall, James Mac Dowall, and Robert Housuton Rae, esqrs. in Scotland.

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