HC Deb 23 July 1806 vol 7 cc1274-6

108. An act for the relief of certain Insolvent Debtors.

109. An act for reducing the bounty payable on the exportation of refined Sugar from Great Britain, and for allowing the like bounty on the exportation of Sugar Candy, as is payable on refined Sugar.

110. An act tor granting during We continuance of the present war, and until six months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, an additional bounty on the exportation of the Silk Manufactures of Great Britain.

111 An act for authorizing his majesty in council to allow, during the present war, and for six months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace, the importation and exportation of certain goods and commodities in Neutral Ships, into and from his majesty's territories in the West Indies and continent of South America.

112. An act to amend the laws of excise. so far as relates to prosecutions for penalties, to the counterfeiting the Stamps on the Wrappers of Paper, and to the punishing persons guilty of perjury.

113. An act to permit for and during the continuance of the present war, French Wines to be imported from Ireland into Great Britain in bottles or flasks, under certain restrictions.

114. An act to amend an act passed in the last session of parliament, for increasing the drawback on Linens exported from Great Britain to the West Indies.

115. An act to permit Raisins, Currants, and Figs to be exported from Great Britain, duty free.

116. An act to allow certain articles to be exported from Gibraltar and Malta direct to his majesty's colonies in North America, in return for British American Fish.

117. An act to permit until the first day of January 1809, the importation of Masts, Yards, and Bowsprits, or of Timber fit for naval purposes, from the British colonies in North America, duty-free.

118. An act to extend the time for purchasing the legal Quays and Warehouses in the port of London, and for authorising the lords commissioners of his majesty's treasury to purchase Somers and Lyons Quays in the said port.

119. An act to prohibit for two years after the conclusion of the present session of parliament, any ships to clear out from any port of Great Britain, for the coast of Africa, for the purpose of taking on board Negroes, unless such ships shall have been previously employed in the African trade, or contracted for, for that purpose.

120. An act to continue several acts for granting certain rates and duties, and allowing certain drawbacks and bounties on Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into and exported from Ireland, until the 5th day of July 1807; and several acts for granting duties upon Malt and Spirits made and distilled in Ireland, and for the better collection and security of the revenues of customs and excise in Ireland, and for preventing frauds therein, until the 29th day of September 1807; and to amend several of the said acts.

121. An act to repeal so much of an act, made in the 1st year of king James the Second, as prohibits the importation of gunpowder, arms, and utensils of war, from Ireland.

122. An act to revive and amend an act made in the parliament of Ireland, for enabling the lord lieutenant to appoint commissioners for enquiring into the several funds and revenues granted for the purposes of Education, and into the state and conditions of all Schools in Ireland.

123. An act to amend several acts for the sale of his majesty's Quit Rents, Crown, and other Rents, and of certain lands forfeited and undisposed of in Ireland.

124. An act to enable his majesty to accept the services of Volunteers from the Militia of Ireland, under certain restrictions.

125. An act for regulating the rank of officers in the Yeomanry and Volunteer corps.

126. An act for increasing the Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Inn-keepers and others on quartering soldiers.

127. An act to amend and extend the benefits of an act made in the 35th year of his present majesty, to enable Petty Officers, Seamen, and Marines, serving in his majesty's navy, to allot part of their wages or pay for the maintenance of their wives and families.

128. An act for making provision for such Masters in Ordinary of the High Court of Chancery as from age or infirmity shall be desirous of resigning their offices with the approbation of the said court; and for augmenting the income of the masters in ordinary of the sail court.

129. An act to provide additional salaries to the present clerks in the office of the accountant general of the high court of chancery, and to provide additional clerks for the said office, with salaries; and to make other payments in respect of the said office.

130. An act for making compensation to the proprietors of such lands and hereditaments as have been purchased for better securing his majesty's Docks, Ships, and Stores at Chatham, and for the use of his majesty's ordnance at Wa[...]ley Common and Woolwich, in pursuance of an act made in the 44th year of his present majesty.

131. An act for exonerating the estates of Percival Lewis, esq. and Marianne Lewis, spinster, in the parish of Putney in the county of Surrey, from the claims of his majesty against the estate of Edward Lewis, esq. deceased.

132. An act for erecting a Light House on the Bell or Cape Rock, on the eastern coast of Scotland, and for enabling the commissioners of the treasury to advance a certain sum of money out of the consolidated fund of Great Britain, towards that purpose.

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