§ Mr. Johnstone ,finding that the resolutions of the hon. gent. did not go so far as he had expected, said, he would submit to the house certain Financial Propositions relative to the national debt, &c. similar to those which he had been in the habit of submitting for the last two years. He did this without notice, because it was his intention, immediately after the reading of the first resolution, to move that the debate on it should be adjourned to a future day. The first resolution was then read, and the debate was adjourned to Friday. The following is a copy of the said Propositions:
- That the total amount of the Public Funded Debt of Great Britain was, on the 1st Feb. 1803, 567,008,978l..;—of which 67,255,915l. had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, and 19,180,587l.. had been transferred to them on account of land tax 1127 redeemed; leaving a funded debt unredeemed of 480,572,476l.;—And, that the amount of annuities charged on Great Britain (after deducting what have fallen in) was, on the 1st Feb. in short annuities and for lives 539,979l: and in long annuities 1,015,410l.
- That the total amount of Public Funded Debt created in G. Britain for account of Ireland was, on the 1st Feb. 1803, 22,348,000l.;—of which there had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt 1,123,415l.; leaving a funded debt unredeemed of 21,224,585l., together with long annuities to the amount of 9,791l.
- That the total amount of Public Funded Debt created in G. Britain for account of the emperor of Germany was, on the 1st Feb. 1803, 7,502,633l.;—of which 375,137l. had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt; leaving a funded debt unredeemed of 7,127,496l. together with annuities to the amount of 230,000l. which will expire in 1819.
- That the amount of the Outstanding Demands unprovided for on the 5th Jan. 1803, exclusive of Unfunded Debt, and of the anticipation of certain duties annually voted, was 592,630l.: That the deficiency of Ways and Means for the year 1802 was 171,431l.:—making the amount of demands unprovided for on the 5th Jan. 1803, 764,061l.
- That the unfunded debt, in exchequer bills unprovided for, or charged upon funds which proved insufficient, was, on the 5th Jan. 1803, 9,827,400l., including 3,000,000l. in the bank, which bear no interest, in consideration of the renewal of the charter.—That the Unfunded Debt in navy bills was, on the 5th Jan. 1803, 3,105,648l.
- That the total amount of the Public Funded Debt of G. Britain was, on the 1st of Feb. 1806, 640,752,103l.;—of which 101,145,802l. had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, and 22,325,740l. had been transferred to them on account of land tax redeemed, leaving a funded debt unredeemed of 517,280,561l. And that the amount of annuities charged on G. Britain (after deducting what have fallen in) was, on the 1st of Feb. in short annuities and for lives 485,167l., and in long annuities 1,047,494l. And that a farther debt amounting to 29,880,000l. capital stock, has been created 1128 by the sums borrowed in the present session of parliament, out of which 979,256l. 5 per cent. annuities, created in 1797, have been paid off.
- That the total amount of the Public Funded Debt, created in G. Britain for account of Ireland, was, on the 1st Feb. 1806, 38,398,000l.; of which there had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, 2,913,948l., leaving a funded debt of 35,484,052l., together with long annuities to the amount of 91,208l. And that a further debt, amounting to 3,320,000l. capital stock, has been created by sums borrowed in the present session in G. Britain On account of Ireland.
- That the total amount of Public Funded Debt created in G. Britain for account of the emperor of Germany, was, on the 1st Feb. 1806, 7,502,633l.;—of which 642,249l. had been purchased by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, leaving a funded debt of 6,860,384l., together with annuities to the amount of 230,000l., which will expire in 1819.
- That the amount of Outstanding Demands unprovided for on the 5th Jan. 1806, exclusive of unfunded debt, and of the anticipation of certain duties annually voted, was 1,923,890l.: That the deficiency of Ways and Means for the year 1804, was 1,707,589l.; making the amount of demands unprovided for on the 5th Jan. 1806, 3,631,479l.;—the whole of which has been paid off or provided for in the present session.
- That on the 5th Jan. 1806, there were 341,000l. in exchequer bills charged upon the aids of 1805, to the discharge of which the aids of 1805 were insufficient; 12,000,000l. charged on the aids of 1806; and 3,000,000l. payable in 1806, which are with the bank, and bore no interest in consideration of the renewal of the charter; making a total of exchequer bills unprovided for, of 15,341,000l.;—of which suns 341,000l. has been paid off in the present session. That the Unfunded Debt in navy bills was, on the 5th of January, 1806, 5,911,588l.
- That the variations in the state of the Public Debt between 5th Jan. 1803, and 5th Jan. 1807, being 4 years of war, may be estimated as follow:
The Public Funded Debt of G. Britain unredeemed, which on the 1st of February, 1803, was 480,572,476l. will amount to 1130
533,584,305l. after deducting 12,600,000l.. for the operation of the sinking fund and the redemption of laud tax during the current year, being an increase of capital stock of £ 53,011,829
The Public Funded Debt created in G. Britain for account of Ireland unredeemed, which on the 1st Feb.1803, was 21,224,585l., will amount to 37,990,252l., after deducting 813,800l. for the operation of the sinking fund dating the current year; being an increase of capital stock of 16,765,667 The Long Annuities of G. Britain which on the 1st Feb. 1803, were 1,015,410l., will amount to 1,047,494l.; being an increase of annual charge of 32,048 The Long Annuities created in G. Britain for account of Ireland, which on the 1st Feb. 1803, were 9,791l., will amount to 91,207l.; being an increase of annual charge of 81,416 The Unfunded Debt in exchequer bills, which on the 1st of Feb. 1803, was 9,827,400l. will amount to 15,000,000l.; being an increase of 5,172,600 The Unfunded Debt in navy bills, which on the 1st of Feb. 1803, was 3,105,648l., will amount to 6,511,588l.; being an increase of 3,405,940 The Funded Debt created in G. Britain fur account of the emperor of Germany unredeemed, which on the 1st of Feb, 1803, was 7,127,496l., will be reduced to 6,770,384l., after deducting 90,000l.. for the operation of the sinking fund during the current year; being a diminution of capital stock of 357,112 The Short Annuities of G. Britain, which on the 1st Feb. 1803, were 539,979l., will be reduced to 477,391l.; being a diminution of annual charge of 62,588 The sum applicable to the redemption of debt, which on the 1st Feb. 1803 was, for the debt of G. Britain, 5,834,986l.; for debt created in G. Britain for account of Ireland, 258,434l. for debt created in G. Britain for account of the emperor of
Germany, 47,947l.; making a total of 6,141,367l.;—will amount to 8,273,049l. for the debt of G. Britain; 537,151l. for the debt created in G. Britain for account of Ireland; 58,660l. for the debt created in G. Britain for account of the emperor of Germany; making a total of 8,868,860l.; being an increase of 2,727,493
- That the annual charge on account of the Public Funded Debt of G. Britain, after deducting the charges of management on loans redeemed by the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt, and the interest and charges of management on stock transferred for the redemption of the land tax, was on the 1st of February, 1803, 23,510,967l., and on the 1st of Feb. 1806, 26,330,988l.:—and that a further charge has been incurred on account of the sum borrowed in the present session, amounting to 1,136,000l.
- That the sum annually applicable to the reduction of the national debt of G. Britain, in pursuance of the several acts relating thereto, was, for the year 1803, 6,311,626l.; being about 1–77th part of the unredeemed debt existing in 1803; and may, for the year 1806, be estimated at 8,273,049l., being about 1–66th part of the unredeemed debt existing in 1806.
- That the total net produce of the permanent taxes in the year ending Jan. 5, 1803, amounted to 28,246,681l. including 715,323l. paid for bounties on corn and rice imported in the year 1802; and, Jan. 5, 1806, the total net produce of permanent taxes amounted to 31,795,110l.
- That the net produce of the war taxes was, in the year ending 5th April, 1804;
£. Customs and Excise 3,377,442 Property Tax 363,877 3,741,319 5th April, 1805, Customs and Excise 7,868,078 Property Tax 3,919,108 11,781,186 5th April, 1806, Customs and Excise 8,496,550 Property Tax 4,481,958 12,978,508
- That the official value of all imports into G. Britain, in the year ending 5th Jan. 1803, was 31,442,318l.; and on an average of 6 years, ending the 5th Jan. 1803, was 28,419,626l.
§ That the official value of all imports into G. Britain, in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806, supposing the imports from the East Indies (of which no account has yet been made up) to be the same as in the preceding year, was 29,488,072l. and on an average of 6 years, ending the 5th of January, 1806, was 30,248,417l.
- That the official value of British manufactures, exported from G. Britain in the year ending the 5th of January, 1803, was 26,993,129l.; and on an average of 6 years, ending the 5th of January, 1803, was 22,942,800l.
§ That the official value of British manufactures exported from G. Britain in the year ending the 5th of January, 1806, was 25,003,308l.; and on an average of 6 years, ending the 5th of January, 1806, was 24,698,058l.
§ And that the real value of British manufactures, exported in the year ending the 5th of January, 1803, may be estimated at 48,500,683l.: and in the year ending the 5th of January, 1806, at 41,068,942l.
- That the official value of foreign merchandize exported from G. Britain in the year ending 5th Jan. 1803, after deducting the excess arising from the valuation of coffee, was 14,418,837l., and on an average of 6 years, ending 5th Jan. 1803, was 11,651,333l.
§ That the official value of foreign merchandize exported from G. Britain in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806, after deducting the excess arising from the valuation of coffee, was 9,950,508l., and on an average of 6 years, ending 5th Jan. 1806, was 11,685,711l.
- That in the year ending 5th Jan. 1803, the number of British vessels entered inwards in G. Britain. was 13,622; their tonnage 1,793,333: and the number of men employed in them 108,669:—That the number of British vessels cleared outward was 13,012; their tonnage 1,625,966; and the number of men employed in them 102,427.
§ That in the year ending 5th Jan. 1803, the number of Foreign vessels entered inwards in G. Britain, was .3,733; their tonnage 480,241; and the number of men employed in them 27,737:—And that the number of Foreign vessels cleared outwards 1132 was 3,352; their tonnage 461,823; and the number of men employed in them 26,749.
§ That in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806, the number of British ships entered inwards in G. Britain, was 11,409; their tonnage 1,494,075; and the number of men employed to navigate them 87,148:—That the number of British ships cleared outwards, was 11,603; their tonnage 1,494,968; and the number of men employed to navigate them 94,388.
§ That in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806, the number of Foreign ships entered inwards in G. Britain, was 4,515; their tonnage 691,703; and the number of men employed in them 34,719;—That the number of Foreign ships cleared outwards, was 3,930; their tonnage 605,641; and the number of men employed in them 30,910.
- That the number of British ships built and registered in the several ports of the British empire, in the year
Ending | Number | Tonnage |
5 Jan. 1803, | was 1,281 | 137,508; |
5 Jan. 1804, | 1,402 | 135,349; |
5 Jan. 1805, | 991 | 95,979; |
5 Jan. 1806, | 966 | 89,975: |
- That the total sum to be raised in G. Britain within the year 1806, may be estimated as follows; viz.
Interest on public funded debt, charges of management, sinking fund, on the 5th Feb. 1806 | £. 26,330,998 |
Interest, charges of management, &c. to be paid between the 5th Feb. 1806, and 5th Jan. 1807, on stock created by loans of the present session, to the amount of 29,880,000l., after deducting interest on 5 per cent. 1797, paid off | 943,890 |
Interest for loans to the emperor of Germany | 497,528 |
Civil government of Scotland, pensions on revenue, militia and deserters warrants, bounties for promoting fisheries &c. estimated to be the same as the year ending 5th Jan. 1806 | 864,330 |
Charges of collecting and management of the revenue, estimated to be the same as the year ending 5th Jan. 1806 | 2,257,185 |
Proportion to be defrayed by G. Britain, of the civil list and other charges on the consoli |
dated fund of G. Britain, estimated to be the same as in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806, 15–17ths of 1,827,184l. | 1,612,221 |
Supplies voted 1806, for G. Britain exclusively | 5,030,806 |
Supplies voted in 1806 for G. Britain and Ireland | 43,737,910 |
Deduct proportion to be defrayed by Ireland, 2–17 ths | 5,145,636 |
38,592,274 | |
43,623,080 | |
Loan for the services of Ireland | 2,000,000 |
Sums to be raised parochially for the maintenance of the poor, estimated to be the same as was required in the year, ending Easter 1803 | 5,246,506 |
Making in the whole the sum of | £.83,375,728 |