HC Deb 10 July 1806 vol 7 c1026
Mr. Johnson ,

from the office of the chief secretary for Ireland, was called in, and at the bar presented to the house, pursuant to their order, An account of the different sums of money that have been expended, or that are to be expended, on the port of Dublin, by the directors of inland navigation; stating the authority under which the said directors expended the said money;—together with a statement of the plans and reports that have been made, pursuant to their directions, for the improvement of the same. Ordered to lie upon the table, and to be printed for the members of the house.—Ordered, that the account of the manner in which the sum of 500,000l., granted in the last session of the Irish parliament to the directors of inland navigation in Ireland, has been disposed of; commencing with the establishment of the board, 12th August, 1800, and ending 28th May, 1806; and also, copies of the agreements entered into by the directors of inland navigation in Ireland with the different canal companies, to whom they have granted any part of the sum of 500,000l. granted in the last session of the Irish parliament to the said directors, to be printed for the members of the house.—Mr. Robert Mitford, from the commissioners of customs in Scotland, was called in, amd at the bar presented to the house, a Return to an Order of the house, dated 12th May, 1806, requiring "An account of all sums recovered in Scotland, either in the court of exchequer, or in the courts of justices of the peace, from any person or persons convicted in any of the said courts, of offences against the acts of parliament, or any of them, relative to the customs, excise, or stamp duties; as also, of the amount of all sums received by compounding with persons charged with such offences; together with the names and additions the persons from whom such sums have been recovered, with the date of recovering the same; arid also, An account shewing what part of these sums so recovered have been accounted for in the exchequer, as his majesty's share of fines, forfeitures, and penalties, with the dates at which they were so accounted for; also shewing what part of the sums so recovered have been accounted for to the informer in whose namethe said prosecutions proceeded, and what part of the said sums was applied in defraying the charges or expences of such prosecutions; from the year ending 5th July, 1782, to the present time;" with a duplicate.—Mr. Robert Mitford also presented to the house, pursuant to their orders, "An account of the average prices, ascertained quarterly, for regulating the importation of corn, grain, meal, and flour, into Scotland,for eleven years, to the 15th of February, 1805, and thence to the 15th of August, 1805; distinguishing each district, and whether any, and what, species was importable from Ireland, the American colonies, and foreign parts, respectively, during each quarter of a year, and under what duties respectively; and also, An account of the average prices, ascertained monthly, for regulating the exportation of corn, grain, meal, and flour, from Scotland, for eleven years, to the 15th of February, 1805, and thence to the 15th of August, 1805; distinguishing each district, and whether any and what species was exportable to Ireland, the American colonies, and foreign parts, respectively, during each month, and under what drawbacks or bounties respectively; with duplicates thereof." Ordered, that the said return and accounts do he upon the table, and be printed for the members of the house.—Sir C. M. Pole presented to the house, a bill to amend and extend the benefits of an act, made in the 35th year of his present majesty, to enable petty officers, seamen, and marines, serving in his majesty's navy, to allot part of their wages, or pay, for the maintenance of their wives and families; and the same was received, and read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.