HC Deb 17 January 1806 vol 8 cc450-1

Lord Howick, adverting to the consideration of the Army Estimates, which stood for Wednesday next, and observing that a subject of such importance would probably occasion some discussion, suggested to an hon. general, the expediency of deferring the notice which he had given for a motion on an important subject to some other day.

General Porter ,

however anxious that the subject alluded to should be brought before the house, yet, under the circumstances mentioned by the noble lord, had no objection to postpone his motion from Wednesday to Friday.

Mr. Cawtkorne

appealed to the justice of the house against any further protraction on this subject. He certainly felt the importance of the discussion to which the noble lord alluded, but he also felt the importance of the discussion in which he was so immediately interested, and which had been so frequently postponed. However, he left it entirely to the house to determine whatever they should think fit.

Lord Howick

allowed that the discussion referred to was of an important nature. He deemed it important from other motives than as it related to an individual, and he trusted that when it was brought forward, it would be treated on general principles. He was also desirous that as little delay as possible should take place on this subject; but the delay of two days would not be very material, and he hoped, therefore, that the hon. gent. would consent to the postponement.

Mr. Cawthorne

acquiescing, the notice was entered for Friday next.

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