The Speaker acquainted the house, that he having been returned to serve in parliament for the University of Oxford, and also for the borough of Heytesbury, it was necessary that he should make his election, for which of those Places he would serve; and, therefore, he informed the house that he had made his election to serve for the university of Oxford.—He also acquainted the house, that he had received a letter from John Lowther, esq. who had been returned for the county of Cumberland, and also for the borough of Cockermouth; stating, that he had made his election to serve for the county of Cumberland.—He also informed the house, that he had received a letter from Sir C. Hawkins, bart. who had been returned for the boroughs of Grampound, Michael, and Penrhyn, against which latter return a petition had been presented, and then lay on the table; stating that he bad made his election to serve for the borough of Grampound.—He also informed the house, that he had received a letter from the right hon. Maurice Fitzgerald, who had 302 been returned for the county of Kerry, and also for the borough of Tralee, stating that he made his election to serve for the county of Kerry.—Mr. Vansittart informed the house, that having been returned for the borough of Helleston, and also for the borough of Old Sarum, he made his election to serve for the latter place.—The following new Writs were then moved for: borough of Cockermouth, in the room of J. Lowther, esq. who had made his election to serve for Cumberland; borough of Haslemere, in the room of viscount Garlies, now earl of Galloway; borough of Tralee, in the room of the right hon. M. Fitzgerald, who had made his election to serve for Kerry; borough of Helleston, in the room of Mr. Vansittart who had made his election to serve for Old Sarum; borough of St. Michael, in the room of F. W. Trench, esq. who had accepted the Chiltern Hundreds; borough of Minehead, in the room of Sir John Lethbridge, who had accepted the office of steward of East Hendred.—Mr. Freemantle presented a petition on behalf of the agent for the petitioner against the return for the borough of Saltash, praying of the house to enlarge the time for receiving the usual recognizance. He stated, that the recognizance had been transmitted to the country by the post, in due time to be returned to town, but owing to some unaccountable delay, its transmission back to town had been delayed. The Speaker observed, that it was his duty to call the attention of the house to this subject. By a resolution of the house, the recognizance upon a petition, complaining of an undue election, should be returned within 14 days after presenting such petition; this had not been done in the present case, but a reason had been stated for this delay; it was therefore his duty to lay the facts before the house, that the house might consider whether there were sufficient grounds for admitting the receipt of such petition. The question was then put upon bringing up the petition, and carried, nem. con. The petition being then read, the time for returning the recognizance was enlarged until Wednesday next.