Lord Henry Pettywas sworn, and took his seat, on his election to represent the university of Cambridge.—Mr. Johnson from the office of chief secretary for Ireland, presented a return of the sums received and disbursed by the commissioners of accounts for Ireland in the year ending 5th Jan. 1806. As also several other papers; among which were certain returns from the county magistrates. 166 This last was ordered to be printed, on the motion of sir J. Newport, who stated that it was very material to the people of Ireland, that the information it contained should be as fully as possible before the house.—Mr. J. Fitzgerald obtained leave to bring in a bill to facilitate the division of lands subject to ascertained right of common in Ireland.—On the motion of Mr. J. Fitzgerald, it was ordered, that there be laid before the house, copies of the certificates of the lord chief justice of the king's bench, the chief justice of the court of common pleas, and the master of the rolls, in Ireland, as to the amount of the fees of the different offices held by patent in their respective departments.—The bill for indemnifying from civil suits certain persons giving evidence against lord Melville, was read a third time and passed.—Mr. Paull moved, "that a return of the specie and bullion exported by the hon. the directors of the East-India company to the several presidencies in India, from 1793, to Sept. last, be laid before the house." Before the question was put, Mr. Vansittart said he must appeal to the hon. gent's candour, to postpone his motion for the present, as a right hon. friend of his, not now in the house, but who would be there in the course of a few days, had expressed a wish to be present when the motion was made. Mr Paull acquiesced in the delay, and the motion was, with the leave of the house, withdrawn.—On the motion of Mr Brooke it was ordered that there be laid before this house, an "account of the several contracts for spirits, and the prices at which they were made, entered into by the commissioners of his majesty's victualling board for the supply of the royal navy, froth 5th July 1803, to 5th Jan. 1806, distinguishing the quantities of foreign brandy or British plantation rum delivered, and the respective ports of delivery."—Mr. Vansittart brought up the 5 million exchequer bills bill, which was read a first time.